Faculty Eligibility to Teach Graduate Courses
Graduate instruction may only be given by:
- Faculty members who hold an earned doctorate or the Master of Fine Arts (MFA); or
- Faculty members who hold the rank of associate professor or higher or;
Exceptions to allow other faculty to provide graduate instruction shall be considered within each school/college, with action on such requests by the respective school/college dean to be reported (with rationale for decision) to the Graduate Academic Council & Graduate Dean, and (without rationale) to the Registrar. It is expected that all requests for exception shall minimally contain (1) Instructor’s CV or résumé (2) duration of proposed authorization (not to exceed five years), (3) course syllabus, (4) support correspondence from Chair or Program Director explaining why the exception is warranted, summarizing qualifications in relation to course content, audience, enrollment, and need. Schools/colleges may develop policy/procedures that require additional information. The Graduate Academic Council retains final authority regarding any exception to graduate instruction policy.