The Journal for MultiMediaHistory
Volume 1 Number 1 ~ Fall 1998

Technical Note on Viewing Contents

We have coded and optimized the content of the Journal for MultiMedia History for viewing under Microsoft Internet Explorer browser version 3.0 and above, and Netscape browser version 4.0 and above. You may want to adjust font size to make viewing easier on the particular monitor screen you are using; do this by utilizing the font size adjustment buttons or menu controls on the menu bar of your browser.

To fully appreciate the audio and video content of many of the feature articles and reviews, you will need RealPlayer browser plug-ins (supporting version 5.0 or above). We have chosen to transmit all audio and video files as streaming media clips. As the term suggests, streaming media is transmitted from a server to a client (your computer) and allows you to listen or watch content as the media files arrive. You do not have to download an entire audio or video file before you may listen or watch it. Except when there is Internet congestion during busy hours of the day, there is little delay. We have decided that this is a superior mode of transmission of media files over the Internet than downloading whole files (either MPEG, AVI, MOV, or WAV formats), where one has to wait for minutes -- perhaps even hours -- for large files to download. Note, however, that we have often chosen clarity over motion in coding our video files, thus most video clips will appear as "slide shows" rather than smooth-motion video. As software and transmission speeds on the Internet improve, we will upgrade our coding. You may obtain up-to-date versions of the necessary media streaming browser plug-ins from Microsoft or from RealNetworks. Click here to download free Microsoft Media Player software (for those using Microsoft's Internet Explorer WWW browser): Media Player. Click here to obtain free RealNetworks' RealPlayer software (works with both Netscape and Internet Explorer browsers): RealPlayer. If you are using Windows 95/98, once you have downloaded the software locate and launch the file you downloaded -- either with explorer, my computer, or choosing the "Run" option in the "Start" menu and specifying the path and file name. This will begin the setup process.

Wherever feasible, we have coded audio files into two forms, one optimized for slow Internet connections (14.4 kb/sec.) and one for 28.8 kb/sec. and faster modems. Again, streaming video clips were optimized for clarity, not for motion. Still, you will need at least a 28.8 kb/sec. connection in order to view the video clips. Those with ISDN or T1/T3 ethernet access should, of course, always select the fastest download options offered. In future issues, we will implement bandwidth negotiation protocals, allowing our server to send you the best quality file for your specific connection type and speed. In coming years, as Internet transmission speeds increase, we will modify encoding and file formats accordingly.

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