The Journal for MultiMedia History (JMMH) presents multimedia historical articles and explores how radio, television, CD-ROM/DVD technologies, World Wide Web (WWW) hypertext documents, Internet radio and video, and a variety of other multimedia applications are transforming and expanding the possibilities for research, documentation, and dissemination of historical scholarship. The JMMH is a peer-reviewed journal published free of charge on the World Wide Web. Scholars working in any field of history are invited to submit:
We solicit submissions for the JMMH on an
ongoing basis. Please contact us at:
JMMH Technical Submission Guidelines:If you are submitting a hypertext document, please prepare it in HTML and JAVA (try to be modest with your JAVA script as some folks will not be able to access the JAVA coded material). If submitting a standard text manuscript, email with the document as an attachment in WordPerfect or MS Word, or send it to us on a 1.44 Mb disk. Graphics should be in JPG or GIF format. Audio segments should be *.ra or *.rm files (RealAudio compression format), Microsoft Wave (*.wav), or Macintosh AIFF files. Video segments should be in Quicktime for Windows or Macintosh, Video for Windows (*.AVI format), or RealVideo file formats. Other audio and video file formats are acceptable; but please check with us before sending them to confirm their compatibility with our software and our conversion programs. If you are submitting hypertext documents with animations, audio, or video segments that require special plug-ins, include links to sites from which readers can download the plug-ins to their WWW browsers. You may FTP your files to us. Please contact us at: jmmh@csc.albany.edu for specific instructions. Length of submissions is very flexible since we are not limited by many of the cost factors associated with paper publishing. If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to write. ~ End ~ Submission Guidelines |