Thanks to all of the many who submitted a first round of names for UAlbany�s new baby Dane mascot! Final names have been chosen and you can submit a vote for your favorite to: [email protected]
Choose one of the following names:
1. Chance
2. D.J.
3. Lil' D
4. Scooter
5. Scrappy
6. Spirit
Votes may also be submitted weekdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Campus Center lobby via ballot. The new name will be announced at the Big Purple Growl on February 7, 2004.
The Great Dane was first chosen by the student body in 1965
to replace the former mascot, �The Pedwin,� which had been the
mascot of the New York State College for Teachers. Nicknamed
Damien, the Dane was chosen for its qualities of strength,
courage, speed and stamina and its selection was just one
reflection of the major transformations under way at the
University at that time.
1999 when the University made the move to Division I athletics,
a senior art student, Brian Caverly, sculpted the
larger-than-life Great Dane, who now graces the lobby of the
Recreation and Convocation Center (RACC). The bronze sculpture
was a gift from the Class of 1999 to the University at Albany.
The �baby� Dane will join Damien as another spirit builder
for Great Dane athletics and other campus events. The baby Dane
has already made several appearances -- at Freshman Move-In
weekend, the freshman rivalry �Clash of the Quads,� and at
several of the fall pep rallies in the campus center.
The baby Dane will be on hand throughout this winter�s
basketball season and the upcoming spring sports season. UAlbany
has 19 Division I teams -- 8 men�s, 11 women�s. Great Dane
Athletics is committed to excellence that is reflected in
competitive teams, successful coaches and outstanding student

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