Clash of the Quads
Rivalry rules as the 2nd annual Clash of the Quads takes place Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 2nd & 3rd with a bigger-than-ever lineup of competitions. Individuals and teams from all residence halls, including University Apartments, can compete to win. This is BIG so sign up now in your Quad Information Center!
Semifinal competition (Saturday) will take place on the lawns of each quad and will include events such as kickball, egg-on-a-spoon relay race, musical chairs, 3-legged race, single and pairs Double Dutch competition and more.
The Saturday Night Fest in the campus center will be from 4:30 to 8 p.m. and will include more opportunities for teams to rack up the points with additional events. Competitors can chow down to win an X-box, as well as points for their team, in the cereal eating contest sponsored by Kelloggs.
Beginning at noon on Sunday -- FOR ALL THE MARBLES � THE FINALS!! Get ready for foam as the Tug of War competition pitches the winning teams from Saturday�s semifinals against each other for the championship and Minerva will be on hand to crown the winners in a formal ceremony.
Volunteers needed for judging both Saturday and Sunday! Interested? Call 442-5875.
Get out there! Catch the Spirit!
Related Links: UAlbany Go2!Events
Clash of the Quads 2003 Photo Gallery

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