UAlbany honor society sponsors leadership conference
Brian DePersiis |
UAlbany's chapter of Omicron Delta Kappa (ΟΔΚ) will sponsor one of the first student leadership conferences in the Capital Region on Saturday, February 26, 2005 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., in UAlbany's Campus Center Ballroom.
ΟΔΚ is an honor society committed to the recognition and development of exemplary student leadership and unites students, faculty, administration, and alumni who have been recognized as talented leaders in the following areas: scholarship, athletics, college and community service; social and religious activities, campus government, journalism, speech and mass media, and creative and performing arts.
"Student leaders will have the opportunity to network with working professionals and peer leaders," said Brian DePersiis, UAlbany's ΟΔΚ president. "I'm personally looking forward to this conference to get a deeper understanding of how to work with others, to learn different and effective leadership styles, and to receive some inspiration for those of us in current leadership roles." Brian will be going to work for Ernst & Young, LLP in Manhattan after graduation in May. "This is a conference that will give me the knowledge base I'll use for being successful at whatever I choose to do."
The conference committee anticipates their event will become an annual one that will strengthen the inter-campus community by fostering constructive communication between students at different schools. The conference will guide attendees through a day of collaborative leadership activities, stimulating panel discussions, and interactive breakout sessions.
The first panel, titled �How I Became a Leader� features five speakers who will discuss their personal evolution and insights as a leader. They include New York�s top DUI attorney, an athletic coach, a clergy member, and the executive director of Albany Nanotech.
The second panel, �Organizational Politics: The Inescapable Reality,� will examine dynamics of effective leadership within a variety of organizational structures. Speakers include the editor of the Albany Business Review, a state assemblyman, a Vice President of the NYS Union of Teachers, a representative from the community service field, and an officer from West Point Military Academy.
Arthur Andrews |
In addition to UAlbany, five other campuses will send their student leaders to participate in the conference - RPI, Siena, St. Rose, West Point, and Union.
Empowerment advocate and inspirational speaker Arthur Andrews will deliver the keynote address.
For more information on the conference visit UAlbany ODK.
Related Links:
UAlbany ODK
UAlbany Honors Opportunities
Arthur Andrews
Arrangements for the appearance of Arthur Andrews made through BigSpeak!, Santa Barbara CA, |