
Successful Outcomes: UAlbany Students Progress From Internships to Jobs

For many college students finding an internship can be a job in itself. But at UAlbany, real world opportunities abound in a variety of different fields and internships frequently lead to job offers -- take this small sampling of business students who succeeded in doing just that.

Darwin JonesDarwin Jones

I gained so much from this internship! Because I worked in human resources I was able to meet many new people (networking) and to learn how a business recruits top employees. My internship was located in midtown Manhattan, which was a positive and exciting cultural experience for me, because I am not from NYC.

Major/minor: Accounting/Business Administration
Hometown: Rochester, NY
High School: Joseph C. Wilson Magnet HS
Campus Activities:
- Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Society, president
- President, Class of 2006
- Housing Manager, University Apartments
- UAS Board of Directors
- Parking Appeals Board
- Member, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc

Verizon - summer 2005 - interned in college relations and recruitment within Human Resources. Darwin contacted college career centers throughout the nation, to build relationships with them to assist in his search for qualified recent graduates for Verizon. He stayed in constant contact with the company's hiring managers to find the best qualified candidates and eventually began extending formal job offers to those whom they wanted to hire.

Job Offer:
Darwin's internship led to several job offers in the corporate business field and he is currently considering which offer to accept.

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Adam SalvatoriAdam Salvatori

I am excited that I might get a patent for work I did this past summer. It's a true milestone for any professional and opens up a tremendous number of opportunities for the future. Anything you want to accomplish is not out of your reach if you come to the University at Albany. You can have dual majors in a technical field and business and gain increased marketability in a competitive job market.

Major: Computer Science & Business Administration, with a concentration in Finance & Management
Minor: Mathematics
Hometown: Williston, VT
High School: Champlain Valley Union High School
Campus Activities:
- National Society of Collegiate Scholars
- American Marketing Association
- Phi Beta Kappa
- Association for Computing Machinery, Vice President
- Presidential Honors Society
- Student Help Desk, Shift Supervisor

IBM-summer 2004 - Pre-professional programmer for their security software application test team
IBM-summer 2005 - Pre-professional programmer for their zTestware team

Job Offer:
I was offered, and accepted, a position to work at IBM Poughkeepsie as a software engineer in the system test division starting in fall of 2006. I will be responsible for testing mainframe software for the IBM z-series and possibly also doing some application development on the side for software used in the testing process.

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Katelynn Murphy Katelynn Murphy

My internship enabled me to start a career that utilizes the skills I have attained through the MBA program at the University at Albany. Additionally, throughout the summer, I was able to network and learn from professionals both within the firm and their clients.

BA,'04 Business Administration
Currently working on her MBA with a concentration in Information Technology Management
Hometown: Stillwater, NY
High School: Stillwater High School
Campus Activities:
- Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Society, president (2003-2004)
- Member of University Judicial Board and Committee on Student Conduct
- Residential Life Graduate Assistant

Ernst and Young, LLP-summer 2005 - intern in Technology and Security Risk Services for the financial services industry

Katelynn was part of a team that provided information technology advisory services to assess client Morgan Stanley’s internal control system. At the culmination of the internship, she traveled to Disney World to attend the International Intern Leadership Conference, a series of seminars and workshops where interns learn to develop their leadership skills in a social yet professional environment.

Job Offer:
I was offered a full time position in the Technology and Security Risk Services practice at Ernst and Young. My responsibilities will include serving as a member of multiple client engagement teams that assist clients in employing proper information systems, resources, and controls to maximize efficiencies and minimize risk. Additionally, I will be working with client personnel to analyze, evaluate, and enhance their information systems.

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Joe PatalanoJoe Patalano

This summer I had the opportunity to work on projects that enhanced my analytical, technical and interpersonal skills. I learned that teamwork is an essential skill in order to be successful while working in such a big firm. I got great support throughout the summer internship -- everyone wants you to succeed!.

Business Administration with a double concentration in finance and marketing
Hometown: Nyack, NY
High School: Nyack High School
Campus Activities:
- UAlbany Spirit Committee
- Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Society, Province I director
- Fountain Day/Guinness Day Committee
- University Auxiliary Services Board of Directors

JPMorgan Chase- summer 2005 - finance and strategy intern
Joe interned in the division of Internal Consulting Services, now known as Management Services for JPMorgan Chase and worked a rotation in the private bank client services sector which deals with high net worth individuals and families.
As an intern, Joe offered support to the principal client service's Chief Operating Officer and business analyst. He had the opportunity to learn about the positions and responsibilities within the seven different lines of business within the bank, as well as work with colleagues in New York, Delaware, Texas and Mumbai (India).

Job Offer:
JPMorgan Chase offered Joe a full-time position that will begin in August 2006. Working in the New York City offices, he will go through a rotation program for the first 18-24 months that develops a pipeline of talent for the vital functional areas that support the firm's business infrastructure. As an analyst he will develop targeted skills in process and project management by working with internal clients in operations and technology areas across the major lines of business.

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Roderick Sayers Jr.Roderick Sayers Jr.

The internship gave me some insight into what I wanted to do with a career in information security. I also got a chance to see what it is like in the real world, working with diverse people with different academic backgrounds.

BA, '02, Computer Science
MS, '04 Information Science and Technology
Currently working on his MBA in Information Assurance
Hometown: Brooklyn, NY
High School: Brooklyn Technical HS
Campus Activities:
- UAlbany Spirit Committee,
- Grad Rep - UAlbany IT Policy Review Board,
- Grad Rep - University Resources and Priorities Advisory Committee,
- UAlbany intramural sports: racquetball, rugby and soccer
- Chi Alpha Epsilon National Honor Society,
- President, MBA Class of 2006,
- Technical Assistant, Division of Student Affairs

Deloitte & Touche Enterprise Risk Services - summer 2005 - Control Assurance/Data Quality Integrity intern

Rod audited organizations (The World Bank, Dime Savings Bank, Hudson Valley Bank, and American Home Mortgage) and their IT systems to look for evidence of fraud and security risks to make sure those clients were compliant with SEC and Sarbanes-Oxley regulations.

Job Offer:
Rod is currently considering offers from Deloitte, as well as several of their competitors.


Related Links:
School of Business
Career Development Center Internships  

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