
A Student Explorer: Happy to Guide and Be Guided

By Vinny Reda (April 16, 2007)

Advisor Kimberly Kerker with Whitney Sperrazza on campus just before Whitney departed for a study-abroad semester in Milan, Italy.

Advisor Kimberly Kerker with Whitney Sperrazza on campus just before Whitney departed for a study-abroad semester in Milan, Italy.

When serving as an admissions tour guide, junior Whitney Sperrazza has one message she delivers loud and clear to prospective students uncertain about their college future - as you chart your course, you're not going it alone here at the University at Albany.

As proof, she points to herself.

"When I first arrived here, I signed up for classes online, and assumed I was just a number. But when you meet with your advisors and they help you choose your classes, you realize how much they are there to help and guide you," she said.
Whitney is an explorer at heart, delving into courses in human biology, math and other areas. In advisor Kimberly Kerker, she found her first great guide.

"Whitney was fun to advise because she enjoyed exploring all her interests as well as exploring all opportunities available to her at UAlbany. I was always confident that she would ultimately make the right choice for her and she would be a wonderful asset to whatever major she chose," said Kerker.

 Whitney Sperrazza rehearses with the women's a cappella singing group, Serendipity.

Whitney Sperrazza rehearses with the women's a cappella singing group, Serendipity. (Photos by Mark Schmidt)

When Whitney eventually decided to major in English, Kerker helped smooth the path. "She showed me what core courses I had to take, what was available and when. She sent me to the English Advisement Center, where I have a great advisor now in Professor [Kathleen] Thornton, and directed me to the English 'open house' held that semester."

Now Whitney aims to become part of the English Honors program and to add an additional year at UAlbany in order to earn a master's degree through the combined BA/MA program. She spent spring semester 2007 studying abroad in Milan, Italy.
It's a full load for the Presidential Scholar who for the past two years has sung with the campus women's a cappella singing group, Serendipity, and has been a campus tour guide since her second semester.

"It's been great here," said Whitney, "On the tours I just love talking to prospective students about all you can do here, and how there are people at the University who are looking out for your success."


Related Links:
Advisements Services Center
Study Abroad


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