
AJ Simms Adds to Campus Life with a Cerebral, Musical, Athletic Touch

By Vinny Reda (April 30, 2007)

Ashley "AJ" Simms performs with the UAlbany Pep Band.

Ashley "AJ" Simms performs with the UAlbany Pep Band.
(Photo by Fred Doyle)

Pre-law student Ashley "AJ" Simms has had a melodious UAlbany experience, and has gladly injected music and spirit in return.

The senior, who plans to attend Stanford Law School, is a two-year member of the UAlbany Pep Band, which boosts levels of enthusiasm for Great Dane fans at football and basketball home games. AJ also joined with the band and hundreds of UAlbany boosters on a special road trip to the March 16 NCAA men's basketball tournament game in Columbus, Ohio.

"That was incredible," said Simms. "It was extremely rewarding to be there cheering on our team. The guys played hard and made everyone proud. It was also great just to interact with the team, as well as alumni and UAlbany administrators."

Joining the Pep Band was serendipitous for Simms, a double-major in political science and music. A former first flutist with the University Orchestra, he bowed out to take a part-time campus job to pay for law school applications.

But on the job he met Campus Center director Scott Birge, a Pep Band bass drummer. "I was looking for somewhere else to play my instrument, and Scott cued me into the band," said Simms. "It was football season, and I didn't know what to expect, but it was so great being at the game, feeling that excitement, and supporting the team."

AJ Simms enjoys adding to the Great Dane spirit at UAlbany's annual Big Purple Growl.

AJ Simms enjoys adding to the Great Dane spirit at UAlbany's annual Big Purple Growl.
(Photo by Fred Doyle)


AJ is a team player at UAlbany in many ways. He is a member of UAlbany Crew, which competed in eight regattas this semester, and he sings tenor with the University Chamber Singers, conducted by University music professor David Griggs-Janower.

"AJ is absolutely reliable, a quick study in everything he does, and a genuinely nice young man," said Griggs-Janower. "He's one of our exceptional students."

Law schools took note. AJ was accepted at Duke, Columbia, New York and Stanford universities. He chose Stanford, but convinced it to defer his admission one year while he completes an MPA degree at UAlbany's Rockefeller College. "I am very excited that I'll be gaining a greater knowledge of concrete logistical issues facing modern government on both the state and federal levels," he said.

The University's gain is another year of AJ Simms in the Pep Band. "I think that school spirit here is stronger than ever and not just because of our continued athletic successes," he said. "Initiatives like the 'Go Green' campaign and many Student Association-sponsored events have allowed students to actively create a more vibrant and enjoyable campus atmosphere.

"Of course, I like to think that I have contributed my fair share, but I know that the University and the individuals who comprise it have done far more to change me for the better than I could ever do to improve an already excellent university."


Related Links:
Pre-law Advisement
Department of Political Science
Department of Music
Rockefeller College
UAlbany Pep Band
UAlbany Crew
University Chamber Singers


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