
Clash of the Quads Returns!

(September 4, 2007)

Tug-of-war competition at Clash of the Quads.
Tug-of-war competition at Clash of the Quads.

Rich Ahronheim was a State Quad freshman when he joined fellow quad members in 2003 for a two-day fest of competitive events against students from Indian Quad. They were reviving in a small way a once-beloved UAlbany tradition that for about 50 years has spurred a friendly rivalry between segments of the student community.

Ahronheim, however, sensed this small rebirth had a big future. His foresight can be witnessed on Saturday, Sept. 8, from 1-4 p.m. on Collins Circle, when defending champion Indian Quad will face off against the competition in the ever-growing Clash of the Quads.

More than 1,000 students are expected to turn out this year for the excitement that pits one residence quad against another, as teams vie to take home the trophy.

"I help get people out, hype it up, and do things like arrange photos, because I've seen the Clash prompt people to get more involved," said Ahronheim. "And I love that the University is bringing tradition back in a good way."

Three-legged race at Clash of the Quads.
Three-legged race at Clash of the Quads.

Laurie Garafola, director of Residential Life, said, "Students spend days working on banners, face painting, and other identifying features associated with the quads. There is a real camaraderie that you feel when you watch each group take the field in their quad-specific colors. It truly is a great event."

Activities include:

  • Tug of War
  • Three-legged race
  • Kickball
  • Egg race
  • Wheelbarrow race
  • Banner competition
  • Inflatable Twister
  • Inflatable obstacle course
  • Volleyball
  • Musical chairs

Clash of the Quads is hosted by the Department of Residential Life, University Auxiliary Services, and the Division of Student Success. UAlbany faculty, staff, and students who wish to volunteer at Clash of the Quads are asked to send an e-mail to Holly Barker-Flynn at hbarker@uamail.albany.edu.


Related Links:
Department of Residential Life
Events Calendar
University Auxiliary Services
Division of Student Success


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