
Study Abroad: Living Outside the Box

By Greta Petry (October 1, 2007)

Ariel Zach in Guatemala

Ariel Zach's study abroad experience in Guatemala last summer changed her life.

Zach, who studied field methods with UAlbany cultural anthropologist Walter E. Little in the picturesque Maya highlands, was among a group of UAlbany students who spent the summer abroad in the tiny Central American country, as well as in Brazil, Africa, and Korea.

On the Guatemala trip, students lived with a local family and used their time to practice Spanish or study a Maya language and conduct independent research.

Zach said she knew the experience would be "beneficial, if not crucial, to the advancement of my career as a double major in anthropology and Spanish."

She summed up her experience succinctly: "It taught me to not live in a box."

The trip helped her discover that "I could be thrown into such a drastic change of conditions and be happy and make the most of it."

Zach, from a small town in Pennsylvania, said the experience has given her a new appreciation for what she has, and added, "Most Guatemaltecos live under such impoverished conditions, yet they are still amazed and appreciative of the natural beauty of their country."

Applications are being accepted for a winter archaeological project in Belize Jan. 6-Feb. 17, 2008. For more information visit the Office of International Education.

Related Links:
The Office of International Education
Department of Anthropology
Undergraduate Program in Spanish


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