FAQs: Sexual Violence on Campus

October 2016

What is UAlbany doing to foster an environment free from sexual violence?

In 2015, UAlbany appointed a full-time Title IX Coordinator and this year added a Deputy Title IX Coordinator to ensure our realization of this important issue.

Under their leadership, the University has adopted and implemented several policies and procedures to promote a respectful, safe, and nonthreatening environment for its students, faculty, staff, and visitors. You can learn about each of them here: https://www.albany.edu/titleIX/title-ix-policies-procedures.php

What resources are available for students who have experienced sexual violence?

In 2014, UAlbany established an Advocacy Center for Sexual Violence to assist any member of the University community who has experienced sexual violence at any point in their lives. This Center was the first of its kind in the SUNY system. Confidential advocates are available 24/7 to assist student victims/survivors.

We also have Counseling and Psychological Services and the Middle Earth Peer Assistance Program available to students.

Lastly, victims/survivors are afforded a number of rights and accommodations to ensure they are safe and feel secure in the wake of sexual misconduct. View them here: https://www.albany.edu/titleIX/title-ix-accommodations.php

Where can students report sexual misconduct?

UAlbany wants victims/survivors to get the information and support that they need regardless of whether they would like to move forward with a report of sexual violence to campus officials or to the police.

Options for confidential disclosures of sexual misconduct: https://www.albany.edu/titleIX/confidential-disclosures.php

Options for non-confidential reporting: https://www.albany.edu/titleIX/title-ix-reporting.php

How does the University maintain campus safety and security?

UAlbany has a police department on campus, with trained New York State police officers who patrol the campus 24/7 and have full police powers. If an incident is reported, patrols are increased to provide more visibility.
