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September News

Walsh, President of the Academy of Management, Comes 'Home' to UAlbany
James P. Walsh, B.A. '75, travels the world teaching students from the University of Michigan about how the products we buy in America may come from places where safe working conditions are not a given.

Emeritus Center Celebrates Fourth Year with Series on Plays and Playwrights
The play's the thing, according to Shakespeare's Hamlet, and it's also the way to celebrate the beginning of the University at Albany Emeritus Center's fourth year.

Africana Studies at UAlbany: Celebrating 40 Years of Academic Excellence, Creating Opportunities 
The University at Albany's Department of Africana Studies celebrates its 40th anniversary in 2009 with a proud legacy and strong alumni ties.

UAlbany Mobilizes for Sept. 27 AIDS Walk
Asisat Adebola, a first-year business major who was born in Nigeria, is doing her part in this year's campuswide participation in the Sept. 27 AIDS Walk in Washington Park.

McCarthy Helps Lead National Discourse on Social Welfare Policy
Social workers serve a key role in providing mental health services. When there has been a fatal accident, it is often the social worker who meets the family in the emergency room. Social workers serve on child abuse reporting teams for hospitals and with crisis units to evaluate the mental health status of people needing emergency care.

Reducing the Electric Bill
Energy conservation at UAlbany is a hallmark of the University�s sustainability initiatives. Each fall, the residence halls compete to reduce electricity, giving students the opportunity to earn rewards for saving energy. This year, the campaign is being extended to the academic podium.

Pat Rogers: A Role Model for Women�s Athletics
Scrolling through the archives of the Albany Student Press, an article from 1971 highlights the success of Albany State Synchronized Swim Team. The �Cygnets� had recently placed fourth at the Third Annual Eastern Intercollegiate Synchronized Swimming Conference Routine Competition, held at UAlbany.

Sherman's Commitment to Chapel House Lives On
On Commencement weekend, happy University at Albany graduates posed in their caps and gowns for photos on a decorative wooden bridge in front of Chapel House.

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