Albany Student Press - Provost Stellar Statement

What happened to the student newspapers?
On the morning of April 16, a staff member of the University's Undergraduate Admissions Office directed student tour guides to remove copies of the Albany Student Press newspaper from 6-8 display stands in locations in the Uptown Campus Lecture Centers.

Has the situation been resolved?
That evening, staff members of the University administration went to the Lecture Centers, recovered the newspapers, and restored them to their display stands.

Statement from James R. Stellar, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
April 16, 2016

A member of the University Undergraduate Admissions staff made an unfortunate decision to remove copies of the Albany Student Press from certain distribution points across campus in an effort to hide from visitors the contents of an article on campus sexual assault.

The decision was an inappropriate judgment call, and inconsistent with our values as a University. The free and open exchange of data and ideas is a principle on which we, and all universities, stand. I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to the ASP, our students who are honing their journalistic skills, and its readers for this lapse of judgment.

Moreover, the ASP article on the increase in reporting of sexual assault on campus, using data provided by the University, was accurate and fairly reported. As stated by our Title IX Coordinator Chantelle Cleary in the article, we are proud of our ongoing institutional efforts to provide a safe and supportive environment that encourages students to report this crime.


