Initiatives Boost UAlbany�s Events and Spirit
Carol Flax (December 12, 2003)
what to do this evening? Or this weekend? There�s plenty happening
right here on campus.
University this fall launched a variety of efforts to build
awareness in the UAlbany community of the rich array of campus
activities and traditions, and those efforts are boosting
attendance and spirit.
first new initiative to launch was a pilot program aimed at
new students called UAlbany Go2!Events. The concept, developed
by the University�s Office of Media and Marketing, was to
create an incentive program for freshmen that informed them
about the variety of University events and oriented them to
the school�s traditions and such symbols as Minerva and the
Great Dane.
move-in weekend, 3,000 freshman and transfer students received
a �Welcome to UAlbany� CD-ROM package. Inside, students found
a foldout calendar of campus events and a CD filled with information
about the University, including a recording of the fight song
recorded by the Earth Tones, a University a cappella group.
The CD offered students screen savers of campus beauty shots
and useful links to help ease the transition to college life.
also found a link to register for UAlbany Go2!Events, a special
incentive program where students could win prizes for attending
University events. To date, more than 800 students have registered
for the program, an impressive participation rate of 27 percent.
Several campus entities help sponsor the program, including
the Alumni Association, the New York State Writers Institute,
University Auxiliary Services, Student Affairs, Parking Management
and the Student Association, which donated a spring break
vacation to Daytona Beach for the lucky winner who attends
nine or more University events.
Go2!Events has proven to be a meaningful way for the campus
to come together and showcase the University�s rich offering
of activities, cultural and athletic events,� said Catherine
Herman, associate vice president of Media and Marketing. �The
student feedback has been remarkable.�
think the students� events are phenomenal and allow students
to enjoy their time here at UAlbany,� e-mailed a freshman
who registered online for the program.
the University�s newest students received the UAlbany Go2!Events
package, faculty and staff received on the first day of classes
a Today@UAlbany fall pocket calendar of campus events and
a University decal. The calendar was sponsored by the Alumni
Association and the New York State Writers Institute. It proved
so popular that additional copies were printed for departmental
use and for external distribution to such community groups
as the Council of Albany Neighborhood Associations and the
Pine Hills Neighborhood Association.
UAlbany Go2!Events program will culminate at the Big Purple
Growl in February, when the students who have attended the
most events will be awarded the grand prizes.
working to build attendance and spirit is the campus Spirit
Committee, composed of students and staff from across the
University and led by Associate Vice President for Student
Affairs Christine Bouchard. The committee is working to recruit
faculty members, as well. It recently brought back a decades-old
tradition of freshman rivalry with Clash of the Quads, a weekend
of spirited rivalry between the residents of State and Dutch
quads that took place in October.
committee is recruiting members of the UAlbany community to
form a pep band. UAlbany�s adjunct music instructor and director
of the nearby Lansingburgh High School band, Kevin Champagne,
will direct the UAlbany Pep Band. �We�re looking for about
15 people � faculty, staff, alumni, students and friends of
the University � who have at least high school proficiency
with a musical instrument,� said Champagne. �We�ve got the
music, the instruments and the uniforms (rugby shirts) and
just need some participation to make this happen.�
attendance records at fall athletic events, Rick Coe, associate
director for business operations for UAlbany athletics, reports
that the attendance for the first home football game against
Brown University September 20 was 3,680 � an increase of 2,349
over last year. The attendance for homecoming against Stony
Brook October 25 was 5,340 � the largest at University Field
since 1997 and the third best since 1984. �Overall,� Coe says,
�there was a 51 percent increase over last year�s five regular
season games.�
pocket calendar for faculty and staff complements and builds
on the
daily e-mail service, Today@UAlbany, launched two years ago
by the Office of Media & Marketing to notify faculty and
staff of upcoming campus events and special announcements.
spring events calendar is already in production with an eye
to creating an online version that would facilitate and support
all campus events.
the CD-ROM format, which proved an effective vehicle to reach
new UAlbany students, is now being considered by University
staff as a medium to distribute important information to freshmen
before they arrive on campus. |