Campus News
Looking for a Slam Dunk in Cancer
By Greta Petry (October 8, 2004)
From left to right:Chittibabu
Guda, Igor Kuznetsov, Scott Tenenbaum,
Paulette McCormick, Julio Aguirre-Ghiso,
Thomas Begley, and Doug Conklin. |
Their work is full of complex scientific terms
like �alkylating agents� and �metastatic disease.�
Yet several bright young scientists at UAlbany�s
Gen*NY*Sis Center for Excellence in Cancer Genomics
(GCECG) at the east campus describe a few reasons
for working in cancer genomics that we can all
Tom Begley, 33, joined the University at Albany
this year from the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT). He earned his Ph.D. from UAlbany
in 2000, and studies how a class of chemotherapeutic
medicines called �alkylating agents� works in
different types of cancer cells.
�One of the main reasons I have worked in cancer
biology is that my father died of lung cancer
and I wanted to get a better understanding of
how this could happen at the molecular level,�
Begley said. �I wanted to probe mechanisms that
could help eradicate this horrible disease.�
Julio Aguirre-Ghiso, 34, who won a prestigious
Waxman grant this summer, worked pro bono for
a cancer research lab in a public hospital while
still an undergraduate. There, he interacted
daily with clinicians and saw �the devastating
effects of the disease [cancer] on patients,
particularly on children�� This led him to the
research area he studies today, tumor metastasis,
which is how a tumor spreads from one part of
the body to another. Aguirre-Ghiso earned his
master�s degree and Ph.D. from the Uni-versity
of Buenos Aires, Argentina, and did his post-doctoral
training at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine
of New York University, sponsored by a Charles
Revson Foundation Fellowship.
Begley and Aguirre-Ghiso are two of a growing
core group of scientists in UAlbany�s Department
of Biomedical Sciences in the School of Public
Health forming part of the GCECG. The cancer
center is being built under the direction of
GCECG Director and UAlbany Professor of Biological
Sciences Paulette McCormick.
Ranging in age from 33 to 40, these energetic
and sociable scientists are working on the cutting
edge of cancer research. Three of them joined
UAlbany a year ago, and three more were hired
this fall. Hired at the assistant professor
level, they include: Scott Tenenbaum, 39, who
earned a Ph.D. from Tulane and did a post-doctoral
fellowship in microbiology at Duke, where he
helped with pioneering work in the new field
of ribonomics; Doug Conklin, 40, who recently
moved from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory on
Long Island, has two grants to study breast
cancer, and recently co-authored a paper in
the journal Nature, one of the world�s leading
scientific publications; Chittibabu Guda, 35,
a bioinformatics specialist who joined UAlbany
from the University of California, San Diego,
and earned his Ph.D. from Auburn University;
and Igor Kuznetsov, 34, who earned his Ph.D.
from the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, NYU,
and who uses computational methods to analyze
genomic data.
Housed at the east campus in proximity to each
other, the scientists are not all work and no
play. Some play basketball each week with colleagues
in chemistry and biology. Several were attracted
to the Capital Region�s high quality of life,
and said this is a good place to raise a family.
They look forward to having more space in the
new cancer research facility slated to open
in 2005 at the east campus, and they already
are pooling their talents and knowledge while
pursuing their own independent research.
McCormick said, �We have learned a tremendous
amount about the biology of cancer in the past
two decades, but it has not really translated
into very effective changes in treatment. What
the new Gen*NY*Sis center in cancer research
is focused on, as opposed to the old model of
one gene, one type of cancer, is a new model
of using high-throughput, multi-modal approaches
that apply to many different cancers with many
different causes and therefore rapid translation
of basic research findings into clinical treatments
for multiple cancer types and the maximum number
of patients. I think the value of this approach
is proven by the fact that all our new faculty
who have only been here for a single year are
already funded, a success rate unequaled in
most of the top 10 universities. In fact, half
of the new faculty already have more than one
grant, and I can confidently predict that the
others will soon be at that level.�
The cancer research center also offers important
research opportunities for exceptional UAlbany
students. Several post-doctoral fellows, graduate
students, undergraduates, and even high school
students are currently gaining experience with
the latest methods in cancer research at the
center. In addition, Kuznetsov and Guda are
seeking talented graduate students interested
in doing bioinformatics research.
In describing his research area, Aguirre-Ghiso
said, �More than half of cancer patients will
die from metastatic disease � that is, cancer
that has spread throughout the body � that develops
months, years, or even decades after an initial
tumor is removed. Our research is aimed at studying
the mechanisms that determine whether cancer
cells that spread throughout the body will continue
to proliferate and form life-threatening, large,
secondary tumor masses, or become dormant and
harmless...We hope our work will develop into
therapies that could convert inoperable growing
metastasis into dormancy, allowing the patients
to survive and live a long life with an inactive
lesion and also to develop therapies to eradicate
dormant tumor cells.�
Tenenbaum said this core group of professors
studying cancer has produced an atmosphere that
is �very co-dependent and highly productive.�
Joining the cancer center gave him �an opportunity
to be part of something with great potential,
at the very beginning stages.� He added, �Overall,
I have had an opportunity to play a role in
many things that I doubt most junior faculty
members have had a chance to experience.�
At Duke, Tenenbaum helped pioneer genomic-based
technology that helped open up a poorly understood
field of biology: post-transcriptional gene
�The methods I developed are wonderfully complementary
to Dr. Aguirre-Ghiso�s tumor metastasis and
dormancy models, as well as to Dr. Conklin�s
shRNA methods,� Tenenbaum said. �For example,
we are presently applying my ribonomic methods
to Dr. Aguirre-Ghiso�s tumor dormancy model
and confirming our data by using Dr. Conklin�s
shRNA library to knock down identified genes
of interest. Meanwhile, both Drs. Kuznetsov
and Guda help in the bioinformatics analysis
and identification of which genes to focus on.
We can then add Dr. Begley�s chemotherapeutic
drugs to the mix and study their effect on cellular
Tenenbaum�s research, funded by NIH, has the
potential to help explain how similar tumors
can behave very differently with respect to
treatment. He recently won a new $400,000 NIH
grant to develop technology for the genome-wide
identification of regulatory elements in the
human genome.
He said, �My research could be useful in developing
more specialized and tailored cancer treatment
therapies as well as anti-cancer drugs.� Tenenbaum
lives in Bethlehem with his wife, a pediatrician
at St. Peter�s Hospital, and three sons, ages
9, 6, and 20 months.
In addition to funding from the NIH, Begley
won a $200,000 James D. Watson Investigator
award from the state this summer for promising
early career scientists. He is interested in
why some cancers can be put into remission using
certain chemical compounds, while on others
there is no effect.
Begley finds UAlbany�s plan to invest heavily
in nanotechnology, information technology, and
cancer genomics to be �very progressive,� and
he noted these three core areas are also important
at MIT and other advanced research environments.
Kuznetsov, who joined UAlbany this fall with
Guda and Begley, said, �My research is directed
towards developing efficient bioinformatics
tools by integrating statistics, unsupervised
and supervised classification methods, high-performance
computing, and information technology and applying
these tools to genomics research�My goal is
to bring computational studies closer to reality
and, hopefully, create better ones by working
with wet-lab biologists here at the cancer center.�
Guda said, �Bioinformatics research is the
natural choice of interest due to my interdisciplinary
educational background in molecular biology
and computer
science. Contributing my drop to the ocean of
knowledge required for the treatment of diseases
like cancer is challenging as well as rewarding
both professionally and personally.�