Campus News
Collins Fellows, Distinguished
Teaching Professor Honored
(September 14, 2004)
D. Spitze, Collins Fellow
Dr. Glenna D. Spitze�s service contribution
to the University at Albany, academic disciplines,
and communities has been such that, in 2002,
she was promoted by the Board of Trustees of
the State University of New York to the rank
of Distinguished Service Professor. This past
spring, the Collins Fellows voted overwhelmingly
to recommend her to Interim President John Ryan
for this award, based on her service commitment
to the University at Albany itself.
Spitze has been instrumental in strengthening
the quality � both academic and structural �
of Sociology and Women�s Studies, the two departments
in which she holds academic appointments. She
has worked tirelessly in leadership positions
in both, and her colleagues in each have given
strong testimony of the results. Spitze also
has been a faculty associate in the Center for
Social and Demographic Analysis, the Ringel
Institute, and the Institute for Research on
Women. However, the Collins Fellow award recognizes
University-wide service, and Spitze has been
a true campus leader in that regard.
The Senate�s Council on Promotion and Continuing
Appointment (CPCA) is generally recognized as
the most time-demanding on its members. Spitze
has served on CPCA for five years, including
service as chair for the past two academic years.
Both the time demands and the level of responsibilities,
literally on the careers of one�s colleagues,
are enormous. Spitze�s quiet, strong, and analytical
leadership has been recognized by CPCA
membership and Academic Affairs leadership
alike as being steady and calming in the face
of any controversy. Her contribution to this
critically important governance process has
simply been superb.
Spitze has worked arduously within the governance
structures of the College of Arts and Sciences
and within the committee structures of the University
Senate, including such memberships as the Graduate
and Undergraduate Academic Councils, the Faculty
Mentor Program, the Phi Beta Kappa Selection
Committee, the most recent Search Committee
for the Provost and Vice President for Academic
Affairs, and the Distinguished Service and Teaching
Professor Review Committee.
P. McCaffrey, Collins Fellow
Several years ago, the question was raised
by a former president during one of Distinguished
Teaching Professor of Public Affairs and Policy
David McCaffrey�s many recognitions: �My God,
David, when do you sleep?�
He is, after all, a Distinguished Teaching Professor,
who has published three books and a host of
refereed articles, and who now is being honored
as a Collins Fellow in recognition of a career
of extraordinary University-wide service. McCaffrey
is a graduate professor who chose the year during
which he was chairing the University Senate
to add to his teaching load two undergraduate
courses through Project Renaissance. When asked
why he chose that particular year to do so,
he responded that he ��felt it was time to expand
my teaching portfolio.� It was during this same
time that he was also teaching his normal full
graduate load within his department and chairing
the highest number of doctoral dissertations
in his school.
McCaffrey seems to gravitate only to those
assignments that require the greatest time and
energy commitments. In addition to chairing
the University Senate, he has chaired the Educational
Policy Council (EPC), and then served on EPC.
He has served continuously on such governance
bodies as the Council on Promotions and Continuing
Appointments (CPCA), the University Resources
and Priorities Advisory Committee (URPAC), the
Senate By-laws Review Committee, and the Distinguished
Service and Teaching Professorship Review Committee.
His colleagues have been most eager to point
out not just the amount of his service, which
is amazing, but the quality of it, which is
superb. McCaffrey brings to every leadership
position he assumes a sense of quiet energy,
enormous patience, and a splendid sense of ethics.
True to his discipline, he also has the skill
to take a staggering amount of data, synthesize
it, and present it in a relevant and usable
form. This wonderful ability, when wedded to
his outstanding character, makes him an individual
whose counsel is sought and whose word is trusted
by colleagues throughout the University.
R. Acker, Distinguished
Teaching Professor
James R. Acker epitomizes that the best teaching
professors are often also the finest scholars
and University citizens. His teaching is simply
superb; there is no other way to describe it.
He is accorded by his peers as the most demanding
of the faculty in the School of Criminal Justice;
still his courses overfill on the first day
of registration each semester, solely because
of the quality of the educational experience
he offers his students.
At the same time, he is a superb scholar, acknowledged
as the expert in the United States on the subject
of the death penalty, yet one of his colleagues,
himself a Distinguished Teaching Professor,
wrote about him: �He has spent his entire career
within the school putting students first, and
reminding the rest of us that in the best of
worlds, this is where priorities ought to lie.�
In her letter nominating Acker, Dean Julie
Horney wrote: ��(e)veryone with any connection
to Jim � colleagues, graduate students, and
undergraduate students � agrees that he is simply
one of the world�s great teachers.�
Distinguished Professor Of Criminal Justice
Hans Toch wrote: I cannot
conceive of anyone who more obviously qualifies
for promotion to the Distinguished Professorial
rank. In evaluations, he is consistently rated
as outstanding, with many students wanting to
rate his teaching beyond the high point in the
scales. Jim brings to the classroom the discipline
of his law background, tempered with an encyclopedic
understanding of social science-related issues.
Our students, therefore, receive a unique blend
of legal thinking and the social-scientific
approach to addressing problems of the criminal
justice system. Student evaluations consequently
gush with enthusiasm. Typical of recent comments,
�unbelievably committed,� �he is the king of
helping students,� �overwhelming dedication
to graduates and undergraduates.�
Distinguished Teaching Professor Graeme Newman
described Acker�s integration of research and
teaching as follows: Without
a doubt, he is the best teacher I have ever
known. His devotion to his students, incredible
creativity in the classroom, and amazing rapport
with students of all levels and talents, are
just superlative.
Professor Acker is not only
an inspiration to his students; he is an inspiration
to his colleagues. In fact for years he single-handedly
carried the burden of developing and keeping
afloat our fledgling undergraduate program.
Personally, I thank him in my heart every day
I enter my office for what he does for the students
and faculty of our school.
The best quote of all came from one of Acker�s
students, who wrote of him: �It
has been my experience that no one leaves his
classes without feeling intellectually challenged.�