Campus News
Greater Faculty Participation
Encouraged at Commencement
by Greta Petry (May
6, 2005)
President Kermit L. Hall is requesting full
faculty turnout at Commencement Saturday, May
14, and Sunday, May 15.
Hall, who is this year's commencement
speaker, said, "I ask that you be a part
of the more than 200 volunteers we need in
order to make the weekend run smoothly." Volunteer
now by going to to sign up online.
Volunteers are needed for both the graduate
commencement ceremony scheduled for 9 a.m.
Saturday at the Recreation and Convocation
Center, and the undergraduate ceremony, which
starts at 10 a.m. Sunday on the lawn of the
Science Library.
Eight faculty volunteers in full regalia are
needed to shake hands with students as they have
their photos taken, just before the undergraduate
ceremony. Call Linda Wheeler at (518) 442-5309
for details.