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Campus Update

(December, 2007)

Ed Hannan
Edward Hannan
(Photo by Mark Schmidt)

SPH Faculty Hannan and Morse Highlighted in Moments in Leadership

UAlbany School of Public Health faculty Edward Hannan, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor and associate dean for Research, and Dale Morse, M.D., professor of epidemiology and assistant commissioner, Office of Science of the New York State Department of Health, are among 22 individuals profiled in Moments in Leadership: Case Studies in Public Health Policy and Practice. The book will be formally launched at the AcademyHealth National Health Policy Conference in Washington, D.C., Feb. 4-5.

Hannan has also been invited to participate on a panel at the AcademyHealth meeting to introduce the book to the public health and health policy community.  The panel session, titled Case Studies in Public Health Policy and Practice, will feature five of the 22 individuals profiled in the book.

Dale Morse
Dale Morse
(Photo by Mark Schmidt)

Hannan is an expert in areas such as health services research, cardiac surgery, volume-outcome relationships in health care, angioplasty, and patient safety.  He has also served as the director of the Bureau of Health Care Research of the New York State Department of Health.

Morse has had 27 years of experience with the DOH, directing the Center of Community Health, Wadsworth Center Division of Infectious Disease, the NYSDOH Division of Epidemiology, the state's communicable disease control programs, and served for 12 years as state epidemiologist.



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