Historian to Speak on Archiving
9/11 Materials
Contact: Heidi
Weber (518) 437-4980
(September 8, 2003)-Craig Williams, history curator for the
New York State Museum, will present, �Archiving 9/11� on Sept.
17, noon-1:30 p.m., at the University at Albany in the University
Library's Cobb Room on the uptown campus.
Williams has
assisted in organizing an immense amount of materials related
to the Sept. 11, 2001 tragedy that changed the course of American
life. He has also worked in the mounting of the exhibition,
The World Trade Center: Rescue Recovery Response that is currently
displayed at the New York State Museum. The exhibit tells
the story of the World Trade Center, the rescue efforts after
the attacks, the evidence recovery operation at the Staten
Island landfill and the public response to the Sept. 11 events.
Williams will
speak about the process of collecting, organizing and arranging
materials for the State Museum as well as the process of determining
content for permanent and evolving public displays in the
Museum. His talk will include visual materials that are included
in the exhibition. Attendees will be encouraged to visit the
exhibition for a special tour led by Williams.
9/11� will be the first in the fall series of �Community Conversations,�
discussions sponsored by the University�s Friends of the Libraries.
The Friends of the Libraries sponsor daylong outings to cultural
events and historic places as well as hosting �Community Conversations�
for the extended university community. The talks are free
and open to the public. The trips, modestly priced, include
seating on a chartered bus plus a luncheon.
in the Friends of the Libraries is open to all who share an
enthusiasm for books and a commitment to building for the
future of the University Libraries at the University at Albany.
For more information about the Friends of the Libraries, visit