Friends of the
Libraries Sponsor Trip to Glimmerglass Opera
Contact: Karl Luntta (518) 437-4980
ALBANY, N.Y. (June 16, 2004) -- The University
at Albany's Friends of the Libraries will sponsor
a summer outing to Glimmerglass Opera on July
18, 2004 for Gilbert and Sullivan�s light opera
Glimmerglass is a critically acclaimed summer
festival known for fresh, innovative productions
amid celebrated landscapes. �Everything about
Glimmerglass�makes opera what it should be but
so rarely is: intimate, provocative, utterly involving,�
said The New York Times.
First-floor seats and balcony seats are available.
Prior to the show, the group will brunch at The
Otesaga Hotel.
The cost of the outing, including transportation
on an air-conditioned bus, brunch, and the performance,
is $125.50 for first-floor seating and $110.50
for balcony seating. For reservations, contact
Friends of the Libraries board member Del Cummings,
1976 Curry Road-A104, Schenectady, NY 12303, tel.
(518) 356-0377. Reservations
are due by July 9, 2004.
Membership in the Friends of the Libraries is
open to all who share an enthusiasm for books
and a commitment to building for the future of
the University Libraries at the University at
Albany. For up-to-date information about the University
Libraries and the Friends of the Libraries, call
(518) 442-3540 or visit the libraries
web site.