
Tell Us Your Story

We're looking for a few good stories...

Is there a story you would like to share? Or is there a University topic you'd like to learn more about?

The University at Albany is always looking for stories and ideas about UAlbany people, programs, projects, or history that express the spirit and mission of the University. Who are the special teachers shaping our youth? What research is probing uncharted realms? What are the UAlbany programs and who are the UAlbany people dedicated to "making life better?"

We invite you to share these stories with us. Tell us who or what you have in mind and why this is a compelling UAlbany story. When appropriate, we'll pursue your suggestions or use your story to publish in UAlbany Magazine, Update, or other appropriate text or multimedia format.

We also welcome articles about UAlbany that you or someone else has already written, or previously published works. Submitted stories must include documented sources and references, and copyrighted material must be accompanied by written permission from the copyright holder.

University at Albany's Office of Media & Marketing reserves the right to accept, edit, or reject any submitted story or idea, and make all final decisions about the material we use, without exception.

Submit your ideas to Please be sure to include your full name, telephone number and email address.

By submitting this information, you are indicating that you are either the author of the above work, or have obtained copyright permission from the author of the article, and are willing to grant the University at Albany's Office of Media & Marketing permission to place the article in the UAlbany-related or affiliated media.


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