Equity in Transition Summit

Teachers at Summit

Albany, NY (October 10, 2018) – The UAlbany School of Education’s Division of Special Education held the Equity in Transition Summit on October 8, 2018 on the University’s Uptown Campus.

The Summit engaged stakeholders representing multiple perspectives to take a system-based approach to identifying solutions to support people with disabilities as they enter adulthood. Co-sponsors of the event included the University’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion and Disability Resource Center along with the New York State Developmental Disabilities Planning Council.

The broad discussion focused on supporting individuals in navigating multiple identities. Particular focus on cultural awareness, combating deficit thinking, stereotype threat, and implicit bias allowed for a sharing of knowledge, and perspective as the group worked toward building a network of partners to educate and advocate for holistic support and programming. Participants engaged in dialogue and problem identification to identify areas of need and plans for future initiatives and collaboration.

This important discussion will continue throughout the fall in a virtual Facebook book discussion of Dr. Audrey Trainor’s work, Transition by Design. To join the conversation, visit the Equity in Transition Facebook page. To join the listserv contact Tammy Ellis-Robinson at [email protected].
Attendees of the Summit represented the organizations listed below:

Center for Disability Services
City School District of Albany
Cornell University
Disability Empowered Consulting
Disability Rights New York
New Lebanon Central School District
New York Alliance for Inclusion and Innovation
New York State Developmental Disabilities Planning Council
North Colonie CSD
Rose F Kennedy UCEDD, Montefiore
Schenectady City School District
State University of New York System
University at Albany, Division of Educational Psychology & Methodology
University at Albany, Division of Special Education
University at Albany, Rockefeller College
UAlbany School of Public Health
Yang-Tan Institute on Employment and Disability