University at Albany Psychology Department
Statistics Courses Support Page

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Resources and Links

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This page is designed to provide supplemental resources for statistics courses taught in the Psychology Department. Links to web resources include tutorials, online textbooks, and glossaries. Several links to publisher's web sites for some of the textbooks used in psychology statistics classes are also provided.

Applets called Shiny applets facilitate learning several concepts and are found below. We also provide a set of instructional modules that teach some basic skills with spreadsheets that can facilitate the computations required for learning several descriptive statistics as well as some inferential tests.A set of Java Applets can also be found. These applets provide an interactive way to master several core concepts in statistical analysis.

APSY210 Stat TA Office Hours - Fall 2024

The Psychology department has staffed the APSY210 TA pool with several TAs and office hours are available througout the week. Students are advised to take advantage of this assistance. The TAs are not "tutors" but can be very helpful in guiding students when they have questions.


Hours are held in SS132

Kayla: 9am – 11:30am
Anna: 1:30pm – 4:30pm
Alyssa: 9:45am – 2:45pm
Anna: 12pm – 2pm
Pierce: 12:15pm – 4:45pm
Kayla: 12pm – 2:30pm

Additional review session hours are held on some Fridays (time TBA) in SS134. Instructors will be notified of the exact days when these sessions will be held.

When inclement weather forces the University to go to remote teaching, these office hours may be held via zoom. When you log in to the zoom link, if the TA is not already there, please be patient. We think that zoom issues an email to the host whenever someone is in the waiting room. Zoom links are be posted here.

TA's may also offer hours via these zoom links when illness occurs - notes will be posted on the SS131 office door.

You will have to sign in with your UA credentials - do a "sign in with SSO" with the zoom app once you click the link.







Students are advised to monitor this page for any changes.




R/Shiny Applications for Learning Statistical Concepts

Note that these applications are currently being edited, developed and expanded. Check back often.
(Shiny apps developed by B. Dudek, Univeristy at Albany using the Shiny package from RStudio and R)

These shiny apps do not work well with Internet Explorer at the moment. Use Firefox, Chrome, Safari.

Probability Distribution Apps (visualizations to supplement/replace textbook tables of these distributions)
Binomial Distribution
Standard Normal Distribution
Student's "t" Distribution
Chi-square Distribution
F Distribution
Univariate and Bivariate Data and Computation Visualizations
Univariate Description and Graphs
Visualize Sum of Squares and Variance
Visualize Bivariate Correlation and Covariance - the Rectangles App.
Simple Regression Simulation, - visualize predicted values and linear fit
Visualize components of LOESS regression fits NEW! Check it out!
Outlier impact on regression fit NEW, check it out
Core Concepts Related to Inference
Sampling Distributions and Central Limit Theorem Visualization
Effect Sizes and Distribution Overlap NEW, check it out
P-value distribution visualization NEW, check it out
Visualize Type II Error Rates in a One-sample test of a Mean
Visualize Confidence Intervals of the Mean
Confidence Interval Overlap and p values
Other Miscl Apps/Docs
Orthogonal Polynomials and "Trend Analysis" in an ANOVA context
Visualize interactions, simple main effects, simple slopes and model surfaces in 2-IV linear models
A gentle introduction to Maximum Liklihood Estimation NEW, check it out

Java Applets for Learning Statistical Concepts

Rice Virtual Lab in Statistics
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Duke Statistical Applets Page
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Vadum/Rankin Applet Collection
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CUWU Statistics Program
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West: Histogram Bins
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West: Central Limit Theorem
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West: Let's make a deal
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West: Confidence Interval
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West: Regression and Correlation
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Stanton: Probability and Statistics Demos, CSUSB
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Rossman/Chance Applets
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Mann: Companion Web site to "Introductory Statistics" This set of applets is very well done.

Instructional Modules for Using Excel in Statistical Calculations - under Revision. Some may not work; B. Dudek

Topic Link (all use Flash)
Mean, Variance and Standard Deviation - basic methods with spreadsheets module_e1
Standardizing Scores ("Z-scores") module_e2
Adding a Constant or Multiplying by A constant
Also, using Excel's built-in functions for mean, variance and Std Dev
Independent Samples test of Difference between two means module_e5
Simple Correlation and Regression forthcoming

Companion Web Sites for Statistics Textbooks

Aron, Aron and Coups. Statistics for Psychology. Pearson, 2006, 4rd Ed.
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Aron, Aron and Coups. Statistics for the Behavioral and Social Sciences, 3/e: A Brief Course. Pearson, 2004
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Deveaux, Velleman, Bock. Intro Stats, 4th ed, Pearson, 2007
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Gravetter and Wallnau. Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences. 7th Ed. Wadsworth, 2007
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Heiman. Basic Statistics for the Behavioral Science. 5th Ed. Houghton Mifflin, 2005
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Nolan and Heinzen. Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences. Worth, 2007
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Sprinthall: not yet located a companion web site.

Statistics Humor

Profession Jokes:Statistics
A gallery of statistics Jokes (Ramseyer)
From Science Jokes
Statz Rappers (You Tube)
Mean Median and Mode (You Tube)
Standard Deviation Man (You Tube)

Tutors at UA

Students should contact the Psychology Dept Advising Center for information about tutor availability on the UA campus
Page created and maintained by B. Dudek, 2018