Club Sports & Intramurals

The University at Albany offers a wide variety of club sports and intramural opportunities for all students.  Student Association and Recreation & Wellness provide the foundation for these programs and hold each to the highest level of sportsmanship.  Joining and/or participating in a club sport or intramural activity should never involve activity that intentionally degrades, humiliates, or endangers the mental or physical health of any person. Before you consider joining a club sport or intramural activity make sure it is recognized by the University. To check, contact Recreation & Wellness at 518-442-2627.

If you or someone you know has experienced or witnessed hazing associated with a club sport or intramural activity, you can help yourself, your friend, and the organization by taking action to help stop and prevent future occurrences; do not assume that nothing serious will happen as a result of the hazing activity.  The first step is to report observations directly or confidentially either via the web or phone.   

You may report directly or confidentially using the following OPTIONS:

  • To report an emergency dial 911 from any phone
  • To confidentially report via phone: Office of Student Involvement & Leadership at 518-442-5566
  • To confidentially report via the web: Report an Incident
  • To report directly to police:
    University Police…518-442-3131 or submit anonymous report at
    Submit a Report to UPD
    Albany City Police…518-438-4000 or text “APDTips” to the anonymous tip line at 847411 (Tip411)