Department of English
Distinguished Professor
Ronald Bosco, Ph.D. (Collins Fellow)
University of Maryland
Distinguished Teaching Professors
Jeffrey Berman, Ph.D.
Cornell University
Stephen North D.A.
University at Albany
Distinguished Teaching Professors Emeriti
Judith Fetterley, Ph.D. (Collins Fellow)
Indiana University
Eugene K. Garber, Ph.D.
University of Iowa
Professors Emeriti
Judith E. Barlow, Ph.D. (Collins Fellow)
University of Pennsylvania
Frances Colby Allee, Ph.D.
Johns Hopkins University
Stanley K. Coffman Jr., Ph.D.
Ohio State University
Sarah Blacher Cohen, Ph.D.
Northwestern University
Arthur N. Collins, Ph.D. (Collins Fellow)
University of Minnesota
Robert A. Donovan, Ph.D.
Washington University
William A. Dumbleton, Ph.D.
University of Pennsylvania
Judith E. Johnson, B.A.
Barnard College
Walter Knotts, Ph.D.
Harvard University
Eugene Mirabelli, Ph.D.
Harvard University
Daniel W. Odell, Ph.D.
Cornell University
Townsend Rich, Ph.D.
Yale University
Harry C. Staley, Ph.D.
University of Pennsylvania
Thomas Bass, Ph.D.
University of California, Santa Cruz
Donald J. Byrd, Ph.D.
University of Kansas
Thomas D. Cohen, Ph.D.
Yale University
Randall T. Craig, Ph.D.
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Lydia Davis, B.A. (Writer in Residence)
Barnard College
Pierre Joris, Ph.D.
Binghamton University
William Kennedy, B.A.
Siena College
Marjorie Pryse, Ph.D.
University of California, Santa Cruz
Martha T. Rozett, Ph.D. (Collins Fellow)
University of Michigan
Charles Shepherdson, Ph.D.
Vanderbilt University
Lynne Tillman, B.A. (Writer in Residence)
Hunter College
David Wills, Ph.D.
Sorbonne Nouvelle
Associate Professors Emeriti
Theodore Adams, Ph.D.
Ohio University
Diva Daims, Ph.D.
University of Virginia
Deborah Dorfman, Ph.D.
Yale University
Richard M. Goldman, Ph.D.
Indiana University
Edward M. Jennings, Ph.D.
University of Wisconsin
Charles Koban, Ph.D.
University of Illinois
Thomson Littlefield, Ph.D.
Columbia University
Rudolph L. Nelson, Ph.D.
Brown University
David C. Redding, Ph.D.
University of Pennsylvania
Joan E. Schulz, Ph.D. (Collins Fellow)
University of Illinois
Frederick E. Silva, Ph.D.
Indiana University
Donald B. Stauffer, Ph.D.
Indiana University
Robert E. Thorstensen, M.A.
University of Chicago
Associate Professors
Branka Arsic, Ph.D.
University of Belgrade
Sylvia Barnard, Ph.D.
Yale University
Richard A. Barney, Ph.D.
University of Virginia
Kevin Bell, Ph.D.
New York University
Bret Benjamin, Ph.D.
University of Texas at Austin
Langdon Brown, Ph.D.
Cornell University
Lana Cable, Ph.D.
Johns Hopkins University
Teresa Ebert, Ph.D.
University of Minnesota
Helen Regueiro Elam, Ph.D.
Brown University
Donald Faulkner, M.Phil
Yale University
Glyne Griffith, Ph.D.
University of the West Indies, Mona
Michael Hill, Ph.D. (Department Chair)
Stony Brook University
Eric Keenaghan, Ph.D.
Temple University
Helene E. Scheck, Ph.D.
Binghamton University
Edward L. Schwarzschild, Ph.D.
Washington University
Lisa Thompson, Ph.D.
Stanford University
Robert P. Yagelski, Ph.D.
Ohio State University
Carolyn Yalkut, Ph.D.
University of Denver
Visiting Associate Professor
Mary Valentis, Ph.D.
University at Albany
Assistant Professor Emeritus
George S. Hastings, Ph.D.
University of Pennsylvania
Assistant Professors
Patricia Chu, Ph.D.
University of Chicago
Jennifer Greiman, Ph.D.
University of California, Berkeley
Kir Kuiken, Ph.D.
University of California, Irvine
James Lilley, Ph.D.
Princeton University
Ineke Murakami, Ph.D.
University of Notre Dame
Tomás Urayoán Noel, Ph.D.
New York University
Paul Stasi, Ph.D.
University of California, Berkeley
Laura Wilder, Ph.D.
University of Texas at Austin
Full-Time Lecturer
Jill Hanifan, D.A.
University at Albany
Teaching Assistants (estimated): 20
The curriculum of the Department of English is designed to aid students to write effectively, to read critically, and to acquire a sense of the development of literature written in English and of its relation to society. English majors also have the option of applying for admission to the honors program. Students planning to take the GRE for graduate study in English are strongly urged to include course work in pre-1800 British and American literature. All English majors are strongly encouraged to study at least one foreign language. Students may count up to 6 credits toward their English electives from the following list of courses.
Careers for the English Majors
The major in English prepares students for any field of work that requires a broad liberal education with special strength in language, critical analysis and research. English graduates find careers in theatre and film, government, counseling, broadcasting, public policy and administration, banking, retailing and manufacturing as well as writing, editing, publishing, teaching, advertising and public relations. The English major is also excellent preparation for advanced study in such professional graduate programs as law, medicine, librarianship, social welfare, theology, and education.
Degree Requirements for the Major in English (36 credits)
12 credits from required courses: A ENG 205Z, 210, 305Z, 310
9 credits from 200-400 level courses
9 credits from 300-400 level courses
6 credits from 400 level courses
Students may count up to 6 credits of approved coursework from other departments toward the 200-400 level requirement.*
Additional Requirements
A grade of C or higher in A ENG 210, or permission of instructor, is required in order to register for A ENG 310 and most 400 level courses in English.
Mentorship: English majors are expected to meet with their faculty mentors, assigned by the English Undergraduate Advisement Office, to discuss academic and career goals at least once prior to the start of senior year.
Honors Program in English
The honors program in English is designed to promote intellectual exchange and community among able English majors and to prepare them to do independent work. Successful completion of the program earns an Honors Certificate in English and nomination for graduation with "Honors in English" from the University.
Admission to the honors program is through a competitive selection process. Application for the honors program is normally made in the spring semester of the sophomore year to the honors program coordinator. For admission, students should have completed 12 credits in English, including A ENG 210 and A ENG 305Z. A ENG 310 is also recommended. Those who plan to write a creative thesis should have taken A ENG 302Z or 402Z. Students should have an overall average of at least 3.25 and 3.50 in English. The honors committee may waive the entry requirements where appropriate. Transfer students may apply upon acceptance to the University.
To remain in the honors program students are required to maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.50 in English courses and a minimum 3.25 overall. Any student who leaves the honors program is held responsible for the English major requirements.
The Departmental Honors Committee reviews applications and admissions, monitors the progress of honors students, and evaluates the honors thesis. Upon students' completion of the requirements, the honors committee recommends candidates for the degree with honors in English.
Degree Requirements for Honors in English (37 credits)
9 credits from major core courses: A ENG 205Z, 210, 310
13 credits from required courses: A ENG 305Z, 399Z, 498, 499
9 credits from 200-400 level
6 credits from 300-400 level
(Note: A ENG 399 can, with advisement, be replaced by taking a 500 or 600 level course relevant to the thesis topic during the senior year.)
Fulfillment of the honors program waives the regular requirements of the English major. To remain in the honors program students are required to maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.50 in English courses and a minimum 3.25 overall. Any student who leaves the honors program is held responsible for the English major requirements.
Combined B.A./M.A. Program
The combined B.A./M.A. program in English provides an opportunity for students of recognized academic ability and educational maturity to fulfill integrated requirements of the undergraduate and master's degree programs from the beginning of their junior year.
The combined program requires a minimum of 140 credits, of which at least 30 must be graduate credits. In qualifying for the B.A., students must meet all university and college requirements, including the requirements of the undergraduate major described previously, the minor requirements, the minimum 90 credit liberal arts and sciences requirement, the general education requirements, and residency requirements. In qualifying for the M.A., students must meet all university and college requirements as outlined in the Graduate Bulletin, including completion of a minimum of 30 graduate credits and any other conditions such as a research seminar, thesis, comprehensive examination, professional experience, and residency requirements. Up to 12 graduate credits may be applied simultaneously to both the B.A. and M.A. programs.
Students may be admitted to the combined degree program at the beginning of their junior year, or after the successful completion of 56 credits. A cumulative grade point average of 3.20 or higher and three letters of recommendation from faculty are required for consideration. Students will be admitted upon the recommendation of the Graduate Admissions Committee of the department.
*Approved Courses for English Electives
Students may count up to 6 credits toward their 200-400 level English electives from the following list of courses. Prerequisites for individual courses follow in parentheses.
Africana Studies
A AAS 340 The Black Essay
A AAS 345 The Black Novel: Black Perspectives
A AAS 355/355Z African-American Poetry
A AAS 375 Black Popular Culture
A ANT 343 Native American Literature
A ANT 360 Social Anthropology
A ANT 363 Ethnology of Religion
A ANT 381 Anthropology of Gender
A ANT 390 Ethnological Theory
A CLC 223/223Z Masterpieces of Greek Tragedy and Comedy
A CLC 225 Greek Literature in Translation
College of Arts and Sciences
A CAS 220 Literatures of the World I
A CAS 221 Literatures of the World II
A CAS 360Z Passion and Choice
East Asian Studies
A EAC 210 Survey of Chinese Literature in Translation I
A EAC 211 Survey of Chinese Literature in Translation II
A EAC 212 Modern Chinese Literature in Translation
A EAC 390 Classical Chinese Poetry
A EAJ 210 Survey of Traditional Japanese Literature
A EAJ 212/212Z Modern Japanese Literature in Translation
A EAJ 396 Meiji Literature in Translation
A EAS 270 Women in East Asian Literature
A EAS 392 East Asian Travel Literature
Judaic Studies
A JST 242 The Bible as Literature
A JST 248 Women in Jewish Life and Literature
A JST 272 Modern Hebrew Literature in Translation
A JST 281 The Prophets
A JST 285 Hero and Antihero in Scripture
A JST 325 Rabbinic Literature
A JST 360 Jewish Autobiographies
A JST 372/372Z Issues in Modern Hebrew Literature
A JST 373/373Z The Arab in Israeli Literature
A JST 374/374Z Love and Sex in Hebrew Literature
Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Prerequisites appear in parentheses following the title. An asterisk indicates a class not normally conducted in English.
A FRE 202 French Literature
A FRE 208 Haiti Through Literature and Film
A FRE 238 Great Classics of French Cinema
A FRE 281 French Canada Through Film and Literature
A FRE 315 Introduction to French Cinema (A FRE 241Z)
A FRE 338 French Cinema and Society (junior or senior class standing or permission of instructor)
A FRE 415 French Cinema and Society (A FRE 341Z and 340Z)
A FRE 430 Translation (A FRE 341Z and 340Z)
A FRE 462 The Novel (A FRE 341Z and 340Z)
A FRE 463 Poetry (A FRE 341Z and 340Z)
A FRE 481 Francophone Cultures (A FRE 341)
A ITA 313 Throughout the Ages: Gender, Ideas, and Writing in Italy from 1100 to 1900
A ITA 315 Italian Civilization: Etruscans to Galileo
A ITA 316 Italian Civilization: Unification to Present
A ITA 318 Italian Cinema and Literature
A ITA 421 Dante (A ITA 313 or permission of instructor)
A ITA 441 Women, Men, Love, and Politics of the Italian Renaissance (A ITA 313 or permission of instructor)
A ITA 471 From Baroque to Romanticism (A ITA 313 or permission of instructor)
A ITA 481 The Italian Novel and Poetry of the 20th Century (A ITA 313 or permission of instructor)
A POL 290 Topics in Polish Studies
A RUS 251/251Z Masterpieces of 19th Century Literature
A RUS 252/252Z Masterpieces of 20th Century Literature
A RUS 253/253Z Contemporary Russian Literature
A RUS 261 Dostoevsky and Tolstoy in English Translation (one course in lit or junior or senior standing)
A RUS 266 Gogol in English Translation
A RUS 267 Chekhov in English Translation
A RUS 270 Topics in Slavic Literatures and Cultures
A RUS 280 Soviet and Russian Cinema
A RUS 354 Russian Novel in Western Context (one course in lit or junior or senior standing)
A RUS 380 Topics Russian and Soviet Cinema (A RUS 280 or permission of instructor)
A RUS 421 Introduction to Literary Theory and Analysis (A RUS 202)
A RUS 426 Russian 19th Century Poetics
A RUS 427 Russian 20th Century Poetry
A SPN 311 Hispanic Literature Through the Golden Age (A SPN 223)
A SPN 316 Representative Spanish-American Authors (A SPN 223)
A SPN 318 Topics in Hispanic Film (A SPN 223 or permission of instructor)
A SPN 320 20th Century Spanish-American Literature (A SPN 223)
A SPN 325 The Hispanic Short Story (A SPN 223)
A SPN 326 Spanish-American Poetry and Theatre (A SPN 223)
A SPN 333 Hispanic Literature in Translation (junior or senior standing)
A SPN 414 Literature of the Hispanic Caribbean (A SPN 223)
A SPN 418 Hispanic Cinema and Literature (A SPN 223)
A SPN 446 Literature and Human Rights (A SPN 312 and 316)
A SPN 481 The Generation of ’98 (A SPN 312)
Latin American, Caribbean, and U.S. Latino Studies
A LCS 316 Representative Spanish-American Authors (A SPN 223)
A LCS 318 Topics in Hispanic Film (A SPN 223 or permission of instructor)
A LCS 319 Twentieth Century Spanish-American Literature
A LCS 326 Spanish-American Poetry and Theatre
A LCS 327/327Z Four Caribbean Writers
A LCS 414 Literature of the Hispanic Caribbean
A LCS 415 Los Latinos en EE.UU: Historia, Cultura, y Literatura
Theatre Studies
A THR 221 History of Theatre and Drama from the Antiquity to the Renaissance
A THR 222 History of Theatre and Drama from the English Restoration to the 1970s
A THR 224 Contemporary Issues in Modern Drama
A THR 225 American Theatre History
A THR 228 Voices of Diversity in Contemporary Theatre and Drama
A THR 230 Great Drama on Film and Video
A THR 304Z Scriptwriting I
A THR 450 Directing
A THR 456 Seminar in Dramatic Literature
Women’s Studies
A WSS 202 Introduction to Lesbian and Gay Studies
A WSS 220 Introduction to Feminist Theory
A WSS 240 Classism, Racism, Sexism
A WSS 270 Women in East Asian Literature
A WSS 281 Constructed Image: Women and the Media
A WSS 450 Literature of Feminism
A WSS 465 Feminist Theory