Financial Aid
The Office of Financial Aid administers federal, state, and certain institutional student financial assistance programs for undergraduate and graduate students. These programs include the Federal Direct Stafford Loan, Direct PLUS Loan, Federal Pell Grants, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants, Federal ACG and SMART Grants, Federal Work-Study, the New York State Tuition Assistance Program, the Educational Opportunity Program, and University at Albany Endowed and Benevolent Association Scholarships. The Office of Student Financial Services is located in the Campus Center, Room G26, (518) 442-3202.
The Office of Financial Aid is committed to assisting students and their families meet the cost of attending the University. The following information is provided to ensure that students who apply for assistance understand the financial aid programs available and the application procedures.
Most student financial assistance is awarded on the basis of financial need. The cost of attendance is an estimate of the student’s direct and indirect educational expenses for an academic year. Direct expenses are tuition, fees, room and meals for students who live on campus and only tuition and fees for students living off campus. The budgets also include allowances for estimated expenses for books and supplies, personal items, transportation, and living expenses for off-campus students. The following are two examples the cost of attendance used to determine eligibility during the 2010-2011 academic year:
Cost of Attendance 2010-2011
Living On Campus |
Living Off Campus | |
Tuition and Fees* | $6,748 | $6,748 |
Room and Board* | $10,634 | NA |
Living Expenses | NA | $9,750 |
Books | $1,600 | $1,600 |
Personal/Travel | $1,062 | $1,224 |
Average Loan Fees | $28 | $28 |
Total | $20,072 | $19,350 |
*Estimated institutional charges subject to change | ||
*Out-of-state tuition is an additional $7,900 for full-time undergraduate students. |
The Expected Family Contribution (EFC) is computed from the information students and, if applicable, their families provided on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The FAFSA may be completed online at The EFC is available on the Student Aid Report (SAR) sent to applicants after the FAFSA has been processed by the federal processor.
Application Procedure and Deadlines
New Students
New students must be accepted for admission to the University prior to being considered for financial aid. In order to receive priority consideration for financial aid, students entering for the fall term should apply by March 15 of that year. Students wishing to apply for financial aid should submit the following forms:
1. The FAFSA is the only form that initially must be submitted to be considered for financial assistance at the University. Students who file the FAFSA online ( will be able to apply for a New York State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) award at the same time by linking to it directly from the FAFSA Confirmation Page. The FAFSA should be completed as soon as possible after January 1 regardless of whether or not the applicant has heard from the Admissions Office. The Office of Financial Aid will begin making awards to new students accepted for admission beginning in March. Awards are made on a rolling basis throughout the spring and summer as financial aid files become complete.
2. New York State residents should complete the online TAP application. The online TAP application serves as an application form to receive New York State financial assistance. Students who miss the link on the FAFSA Confirmation Page must wait five business days, until the FAFSA data is received by NYSHESC, before completing the TAP-on-the-Web application. Paper TAP applications will not be mailed automatically. After FAFSA data is received, NYSHESC will send an email or postcard with instructions on how to request a paper application. Information about the TAP application process can be found at
3. New students who have accepted a Federal DL Stafford Loan will need to complete the Electronic Master Promisory Note (MPN) and Entrance Counseling from the Federal Student Aid Student Loans website Information about these processes can be found at under "Student Quick Links."
Returning Students
The FAFSA or Renewal FAFSA must be filed annually. The deadline for submitting the form in order to receive priority consideration for aid is April 15th of each year. Students who received TAP the year before and whose application information in unchanged may only need to file a FAFSA to get TAP in subsequent years.
Summer Study
Students who plan to attend summer sessions at the University at Albany may be eligible to receive financial aid. In order to be considered for aid students must file the FAFSA for the upcoming academic year. Visit for more information about summer financial aid.
Study Abroad
Students who plan to participate in a SUNY Study Abroad program may be eligible to receive financial aid. Students are required to submit a letter of acceptance into a Study Abroad program along with an estimate of program costs. Students who plan to participate in a program at an institution outside the SUNY system will be required to submit a transfer credit permission form (available from academic advisors).
Visiting Students
Visiting students not matriculated at the University are not eligible for financial aid from this institution.
Financial Aid Awards
1. If you have been awarded Federal Work-Study, a Federal Perkins Loan, an Athletic Scholarship, and/or a Federal Direct Subsidized/Unsubsidized Stafford Loan for the 2010-2011 aid year, you must log onto MyUAlbany to accept, decline, or reduce the amounts of the awards. Please refer to the instructions on the financial aid website at
2. Financial aid is awarded on an annual basis and students must reapply each year by submitting the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Financial aid awards may vary each year based on the student's financial need and available funds.
3. If requested, students and, if dependent, their families, should be prepared to submit income and other documentation that may be required by the Office of Financial Aid. Federal financial aid will not be credited to your account, or may be cancelled, if we do not receive the required verification information. Do not send any documentation unless it has been requested by this office.
4. Students must make Satisfactory Academic Progress towards their degrees in order to continue receiving financial aid. Under certain circumstances, students may be granted a waiver of the progress requirements.
5. Amounts of aid from sources outside the University are estimates, and are based on the best information available to us. They do not represent a guarantee of these funds by the University.
6. Students must inform the Financial Aid Office of aid and/or scholarships from any source outside of the University. Please send a copy of the official notification letter to our office. Please be sure to provide your name and Albany ID on the notification. Federal regulations may require an adjustment be made to the financial aid package.
7. All students planning to receive Federal Perkins Loans or Federal DL Stafford Loans must complete a loan entrance counseling prior to the first disbursement of loan proceeds. DL Stafford Loan entrance counseling can be completed at Perkins Loan recipients should follow online instructions found under "Student Quick Links" on the financial aid website:
8. Students whose family financial circumstances are adversely affected after being awarded financial aid should submit a letter explaining your situation and documentation to the Office of Student Financial Services/Financial Aid for review. Please use the "Special Circumstances" form under the Forms and Publications link on the financial aid website:
Institutional Aid
The University offers a number of merit scholarships to undergraduate students. The Presidential, Frederick Douglass, and Achievement scholarships are awarded to new students by the Undergraduate Admissions Office and renewed by the Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Education. Eligibility requirements and award amounts vary. Undergraduate students who have been awarded merit scholarships will have received information about the awards from the Office of Admissions. Athletic Scholarships are awarded by the Department of Athletics and Recreation.
State Financial Aid
Academic Criteria for State Awards
1. You must be matriculated in an eligible degree program at the beginning of your course of study. In addition, to be considered matriculated for State financial aid purposes, the New York State Education Department requires that the student declare a major no later than the beginning of the junior year if enrolled in a baccalaureate program.
2. Full-time status is defined as enrollment for at least 12 credits for a term of at least 15 weeks. You must be enrolled full-time before the TAP certification status date, which is the date when a student would have incurred full tuition liability for the term. Courses added after the certification status date do not count toward full-time status.
3. Students who are disabled as defined by the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) and are attending part-time (at least three credits per semester) can be certified for a partial TAP award for any approved term. Students with disabilities must still meet all other TAP eligibility requirements. In addition, students must be able to document that they are disabled as defined by the ADA by registering with the UAlbany Disability Resource Center.
4. Repeated Courses: Courses in which the student has already received a passing grade cannot be included in meeting full-time study requirements for state-sponsored financial aid. Repeated courses may be counted toward full-time study requirements if a student repeats a failed course, if a student repeats the course for additional credit, or when a student has received a grade that is passing at the institution but is unacceptable in a particular curriculum.
5. High School Graduation Requirement: To be eligible for any state-sponsored grant or scholarship award, students who first receive aid in academic year 2007-08 and thereafter must have a U.S. high school diploma or recognized equivalent, or earn a passing score on a federally approved ability-to-benefit test identified by the NYS Board of Regents and independently administered and evaluated as provided by the NYS Commissioner of Education
6. When Students' Eligibility Is Assessed: Students must meet citizenship, residency, high school graduation and good academic standing requirements as of the first day of classes for a particular term to be certified as eligible for an award for that term.
Students must meet matriculation requirements, approved program requirements, full-time study requirements and tuition liability requirements some time between the first day of classes and the certification status date for a particular term to be certified for an award for that term.
Satisfactory Academic Progress
In order to retain eligibility for New York State scholarship and grant awards, students must be in good academic standing, which is comprised of two components: satisfactory academic progress and pursuit of program (POP).
In order to make satisfactory progress towards a degree, students must accrue graduation credits each semester and have the cumulative grade point average shown on the academic progress chart in this section. Although the academic progress standards allow ten semesters for completion of a bachelor's degree, the maximum award period at the undergraduate level is four years, except for students enrolled in approved five-year degree programs or the Educational Opportunity Program.
Satisfactory Academic Progress Chart - New York State Grant and Scholarship Programs
Before being certified for a semester's payment, a student must have accrued a certain number of credits and have a minimum grade point average at the end of the semester, as shown in the following chart.
Payment | Accrued Credits | Minimum GPA | POP |
First | 0 | 0.00 | 0 |
Second | 3 | 1.10 | 6 |
Third | 9 | 1.20 | 6 |
Fourth | 21 | 1.30 | 9 |
Fifth | 33 | 2.00 | 9 |
Sixth | 45 | 2.00 | 12 |
Seventh | 60 | 2.00 | 12 |
Eighth | 75 | 2.00 | 12 |
Ninth | 90 | 2.00 | 12 |
Tenth | 105 | 2.00 | 12 |
Pursuit of Program is a requirement that a student receive a passing or failing grade (A, B, C, D, E, S, or U) in a certain percentage of credits each term, depending on the number of state awards the student has received. Students receiving a New York State award for the first time must complete 50% (six credits) each semester the first year of receipt of an award, 75% (nine credits) each semester of the second year, and 100% (12 credits) each semester of the third and fourth years. For half-time accelerated payments, the above percentages are applied to the minimum half-time requirement (six credits on a semester calendar).
Students who do not complete the minimum number of credits in a given semester are ineligible for New York State financial aid for the following term or until additional credits are completed to reach the minimum level. Incomplete (I) grades must be completed and changed to a standard passing or failing grade by the end of the subsequent term to have the credits counted for New York State grant and scholarship purposes.
Loss of Good Academic Standing: Students who lose good academic standing in a term when they received a state grant or scholarship are not eligible for an award for the next term.
Reinstatement of Good Academic Standing: Students who have lost good academic standing may restore this standing in one of the following ways: make up past academic deficiencies by completing one or more terms of study without receiving any state grants or scholarships; be readmitted to school after an absence of at least one year; transfer to another school, or be granted a waiver.
One-Time Waiver: New York State Commissioner of Education regulations permit students to receive a one-time waiver of the good academic standing requirement. The waiver is not automatic, and may only be granted in extraordinary or unusual circumstances which are beyond the control of the student. There must be a reasonable expectation that the student will meet future requirements. To request a one-time waiver, students must submit a completed one-time waiver application along with appropriate supporting statements and documentation. One-time waiver applications are available in the Student Financial Center, CC G-26.
C Average Requirement: Students who have received the equivalent of two or more full years of state-funded student financial aid must have and maintain a cumulative GPA of C (2.0 on a 4.0 grading scale) or better to be eligible for continued state-funded assistance. Cumulative GPA for readmitted students who have previously attended UAlbany (including University in High School) is based on prior grades at UAlbany. Students who are denied an award for failing to achieve a cumulative GPA of C can regain award eligibility by completing appropriate coursework, without state support, to achieve a cumulative GPA of C. Students cannot regain eligibility by remaining out of school for a period of time.
Waiver of the C Average Requirement: The C average requirement may be waived for undue hardship based on the death of a student’s immediate family member; or the student’s personal illness or injury; or other extenuating circumstances. To request a C average waiver, students must submit a completed waiver application along with appropriate supporting documentation. C average waiver applications are available in the Student Financial Center, CC G-26
New York State Grant and Scholarship Programs
1. Tuition Assistance Program (TAP)
This grant program for New York State residents who are full-time undergraduate students currently provides for annual awards ranging from $500 to $4995. Awards are based on the family's New York State net taxable income and Federal, State, or local pension income, if applicable. Undergraduate students may receive TAP for four years of full-time study. Students enrolled in approved five-year programs or in State sponsored opportunity programs may receive undergraduate aid for five years. First-time freshmen in academic year 2006-07 and thereafter may be eligible to receive a part-time TAP award for 6-11 credits. Students must have earned 12 credits in each of two consecutive terms at a non-profit NYS degree granting institution and must have a cumulative 2.0 GPA.
2. Veterans Tuition Awards
This program provides financial assistance to help honorably discharged veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces studying on either a full-time or part-time basis meet tuition charges. In order to be eligible for this award, a student must have served in the U. S. Armed Forces in Indochina between February 28, 1961 and May 7, 1975; or in the Persian Gulf on or after August 2, 1990; or in the Afghanistan hostilities on or after September 11, 2001; or in hostilities that occurred after February 28, 1961 as evidenced by receipt of an Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, Navy Expeditionary Medal, or a Marine Corps Expeditionary Medal. The student must establish eligibility by submitting a NYS Veterans Tuition Award Supplement (available online at or by contacting the NYS Higher Education Services Corporation) and documentation of eligible veteran status (Form DD214). For the 2010-2011 academic year, awards will be set at 98% of tuition or $4,895.10, whichever is less. If a TAP award is also received, the combined academic year award cannot exceed tuition. For part-time study (3-11 credits) awards will be prorated by credits. Combined tuition benefits available to a student cannot exceed the actual tuition cost. Tuition payments received by a student under the Post-9/11 GI Bill (Chapter 33) are considered duplicative of any VTA and/or TAP award. Students receiving tuition assistance through the post-9/11 GI Bill may have their NYS VTA and/or TAP payment reduced or denied due to these other benefits. Students whose “Percentage of Maximum Benefit Payable” under the Post-9/11 GI Bill is less than 100% may receive both federal and state benefits, not to exceed actual tuition cost.
3. Regents Awards for Children of Deceased and Disabled Veterans
New York State residents who are children of certain deceased or disabled veterans will receive $450 per year, regardless of need, to attend institutions within New York State. Legislation enacting the 2009-2010 NYS budget reduced the award amount by 2 %. To apply, file the FASA and TAP application, and complete the Children of Veterans Award Supplement online at
4. Memorial Scholarships for Children and Spouses of Deceased Police Officers and Firefighters
This award provides financial assistance to the children and spouses of deceased police officers, firefighters, and volunteer firefighters who served in New York State and died of injuries sustained in the line of duty. Recipients must be full-time undergraduate students. Those attending SUNY institutions will receive scholarships that equal actual tuition and room and board costs plus an allowance for books, supplies and transportation. The scholarship is reduced by any federal Pell Grant or other federal or state-funded scholarships or grants. Visit for more information and application instructions.
5. State Aid to Native Americans
Applications and additional information about this program are available from the Native American Education Unit, New York State Education Department, Room 374 EBA, Albany, New York 12234 or by calling (518) 474-0537. Applicants must be a member or the child of a member of one of the Native American Tribes in New York State, and be a State resident attending an institution within the State. The award is up to $2,000 per year for up to four years of full-time study.
6. Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) Grant
New York State students who are educationally and economically disadvantaged are admitted to the University's Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) on the basis of their prospects for academic success. The University's program enrolls more than 650 new and continuing students each year. An applicant must be: (1) a New York State resident; and (2) academically disadvantaged according to definitions promulgated by the State University; and (3) economically disadvantaged according to guidelines approved by the Board of Regents and the Director of the Budget. Selection of eligible applicants is made by University at Albany personnel in accordance with the New York State regulations that govern the program. The amount of financial assistance provided to eligible EOP participants is dependent on financial need as determined by the University and availability of funds.
7. Aid for Part-Time Study (APTS)
This program provides tuition assistance to undergraduate New York State residents matriculated in a degree program and enrolled for three to eleven credits per semester. The family New York State taxable income cannot exceed $50,550 in the case of dependent students and $34,250 if the student is independent. Award amounts are determined by the Office of Financial Aid and cannot exceed tuition charges. Applications and additional information are available at or in the Student Financial Center, CC G-26.
8. New York National Guard Educational Incentive Program
Members in good standing of the New York State Army or Air National Guards or New York State Naval Militia may receive scholarships of up to the SUNY tuition rate to attend any SUNY or CUNY institution, any New York community college or designated independent college. Additional information about the program is available from National Guard unit commanders.
9. Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarship
This competitive federal honors program provides for scholarships of up to $1,500 per year to academically talented high school students who are New York residents. It is renewable for up to four years. See your high school guidance counselor for application information.
10. New York State Scholarships for Academic Excellence
This program provides renewable scholarship assistance in the amount of $500 or $1,500 to New York residents attending an institution within the State. Legislation enacting the 2009-2010 New York State budget reduced awards by 2%. Recipients are selected by the NYS Education Department.
11. Segal AmeriCorps Education Award
New York residents participating in an AmeriCorps program on a full-time basis (1,700 hours of community service) will receive an education award of $5,350 for terms of service supported with 2010 funds and may be eligible to receive a living allowance, health insurance, and childcare. Information about NYS programs can be found by contacting NYS Office for National and Community Service, Office of Children and Family Services, 52 Washington Street, Rensselaer, NY, 12144, or by visiting
12. Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship
This scholarship is sponsored by the New York State Lottery and is applicable only to tuition charges. It provides awards of $1,250 per year for four years of undergraduate study. Potential recipients are nominated by their high schools on the basis of academic performance, participation in extracurricular and community activities, and leadership skills. Call (518) 512-5198 ext. 225 for more information.
13. NYS World Trade Center Memorial Scholarship
This award provides financial assistance to the children, spouses, and financial dependents of deceased or severely and permanently disabled victims of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks or the subsequent rescue and recovery operations. Undergraduates who are full-time matriculated students enrolled in an approved program in New York and meet requirements for New York State grants and scholarships are eligible. Recipients need not be New York State residents or U.S. citizens to receive the scholarship. The award covers up to four years of full time undergraduate study and will pay SUNY tuition and mandatory fees, actual room and board charged to students living on campus or an allowance for these items for commuter students, and allowances for books, supplies, and transportation. The scholarship is reduced by any federal, state, or private assistance awarded to the student to pay educational expenses. Visit for information and application instructions.
14. NYS Volunteer Recruitment Service Scholarship
Currently the NYS budget does not contain funding for granting awards to new nominees. New York State offers scholarships to volunteer fire and volunteer ambulance companies to use as a recruitment and retention incentive for new members.
Federal Financial Aid
Academic Eligibility Criteria for Federal AwardsFederal regulations require students to make satisfactory progress towards a degree in order to receive any federal student aid, including Federal Stafford Loans. Students may attempt up to 150% of the credits normally required to complete a baccalaureate degree and retain eligibility for federal student aid. At the University at Albany students must have earned 120 graduation credits to receive a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree. Thus, students may attempt up to 180 credits and retain eligibility for federal student aid; however, students must also complete a percentage of credits attempted each year as shown on the academic progress chart. Transfer credits accepted by the University are considered to be attempted credits for this purpose.
In addition, students must maintain a satisfactory cumulative grade point average. Academic retention standards are described in the Undergraduate Academic Regulations section of this bulletin. Students on probation may be eligible to receive financial aid, but are subject to the University's policy regarding review and dismissal for academic reasons. Aid recipients on probation and those with less than a "C" average at the end of their second year of study or the equivalent will retain eligibility for aid if they meet the requirements shown on the academic progress chart and are allowed to continue their studies at the University.
Students who do not make satisfactory progress will begin a one-year probationary period during which they retain their eligibility for federal student aid. If subsequent to the probation period a student is not making satisfactory academic progress, federal financial eligibility is lost. Students may appeal to the University for a waiver if they feel there are special circumstances that affected their ability to make academic progress. Students receiving waivers continue to be eligible for federal financial aid for an additional semester or one academic year, depending on individual circumstances. Questions regarding academic progress should be directed to the Office of Financial Aid.
Title IV Programs
If credits attempted are between: | Then the following % of graduation credits must be completed: |
3-30 | 30% |
31-60 | 50% |
61-90 | 60% |
91-120 | 65% |
121-150 | 70% |
151-180 | 80% |
Over 180 | Ineligible |
Quantitative progress towards the degree will be measured once each year, usually at the end of the academic year. Students may restore eligibility for federal aid when they meet the standards shown on the chart.
1. Federal Pell Grant
This federal grant program provides assistance to matriculated undergraduate students who have demonstrated the highest calculated need as determined by the FAFSA. Award amounts will range from $555 to $5,550 for the 2010-2011 academic year. The award amount will depend not only on your financial need, but also on the cost of attendance, enrollment status as a full-time or part-time student, and your plans to attend school for a full academic year or less. Students receiving a Pell Grant for the first time on or after July 1, 2008 can receive a Pell Grant for a maximum of 18 semesters.
2. Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
Students receiving this type of assistance must have exceptional financial need. At the University at Albany, this grant typically ranges from $200 to $700 each year.
3. Federal Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG)
ACG provides up to $750 for the first year of undergraduate study and up to $1,300 for the second year of undergraduate study to all eligible Pell Grant recipients enrolled at least half-time in a degree program. In order to be eligible, a student must have completed a rigorous high school program of study (after January 1, 2006 if a first-year student and after January 1, 2005 if a second-year student). First-year students may not have been previously enrolled in an undergraduate program. Second-year students must have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.0 in addition to the criteria mentioned above to be eligible. The amount of the student’s ACG, in combination with the student’s other financial assistance, may not exceed the student’s demonstrated financial need. A student may not receive more than one ACG award for each academic year in which the student is eligible. Please note that the 2010-2011 award year is the final year for this federal student aid program.
4. National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent Grant (National SMART Grant)
The SMART grant will provide up to $4,000 for each of the third and fourth years of undergraduate study to Pell eligible students enrolled at least half-time, majoring in specific fields of study as determined by the Department of Education. See the Financial Aid website ( for a list of eligible majors. In order to qualify, a student must be enrolled in an elegible degree program, be enrolled in the courses necessary to complete the degree program and to fulfill the requirements of the intended eligible major, and have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 in the coursework required for the major. The amount of the student’s National SMART Grant, in combination with the student’s other financial assistance, may not exceed the student’s financial need. An eligible student may not receive more than one National SMART Grant award for each of the third and fourth academic years of study. Please note that the 2010-2011 award year is the final year for this federal student aid program.
5. Federal Direct Stafford
These are low interest, long term loans available to matriculated students who are enrolled at least half-time. Students with need may obtain the loan on a subsidized basis, which means no interest accrues on the loan while the borrower is in school. Students who do not demonstrate financial need may obtain the loan on an unsubsidized basis, which means they must pay interest while they are in school as well as during repayment. First-year students may borrow up to $5,500 with no more than $3,500 from subsidized, sophomores up to $6,500 with no more than $4,500 from subsidized and junior and seniors up to $7,500 with no more than $5,500 from subsidized each year. Independent students who are first-year students or sophomores may borrow an additional $4,000 each year on an unsubsidized basis, and an additional $5,000 each year for juniors or seniors. The maximum that may be borrowed for undergraduate study is $31,000 with no more than $23,000 subsidized for dependent undergraduates and $57,500 for independent undergraduates. At the time the loan is disbursed, an origination fee with an up-front interest rebate amount is deducted from the loan disbursement. The interest rate is fixed at 4.5% for subsidized undergraduate students and 6.8% for unsubsidized undergraduate students
Students who plan to borrow for the first time must complete a master promissory note (MPN).
6. Federal Direct PLUS
DL PLUS loans allow parents of dependent students to borrow the difference between the student's cost of attendance and any financial aid awarded to the student. The loan is not automatic; a credit check is required. Repayment of principal and interest begins within 60 days of receipt of the final loan disbursement. The interest rate is fixed at 7.9%. An origination fee with an up-front interest rebate amount is deducted from the loan proceeds. Parents should apply online through the Federal Student Aid Student Loans website
7. Federal Perkins Loans
This loan is awarded to students with significant financial need. Undergraduate students may borrow up to $4,000 each year depending on availability of funds, and a total of $20,000 for undergraduate studies. Interest does not accrue and payments are not due on the loan during the in-school period. Repayment begins nine months after the student leaves school, and 5% simple interest is charged on the unpaid balance of the loan. Under certain conditions, all or part of amount borrowed may be canceled.
8. Federal Work-Study Program
A Work-Study award provides employment opportunities for students with financial need. Students are employed by various campus administrative offices, academic departments, and community service agencies. Students are paid an hourly rate and receive paychecks every two weeks for hours worked. Students will have the opportunity to select which jobs they would like to apply for and submit their job applications online. Work-Study is an employment opportunity, not a guaranteed job.
9. Bureau of Indian Affairs to Native Americans Higher Education Assistance Program
Eligibility is restricted to students with financial need who are pursuing a four-year degree, are at least one-fourth American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut and are enrolled members of a tribe, band or group recognized by the Bureau of Indian Affairs Office. Application must be made each year. In addition, first-time applicants must obtain tribal certification from the appropriate bureau agency or tribal office which records enrollment for the tribe.
10. Veterans Education Assistance Program (Chapter 32)
The Post-Vietnam Veteran's Educational Program (VEAP) is a benefit for veterans who paid into VEAP while they were in the service. In order to be eligible, veterans must have been discharged under conditions other than dishonorable, entered active duty after December 31, 1976 but before July 1, 1985, and completed twenty-four continuous months of active duty. There are some exceptions to the last requirement. Benefits are paid monthly and are based on the veteran's contributions and Veteran's Administration matching amounts in relation to the number of months contributions were made by the veteran, type of education being pursued, and the length of the educational program. Contact the Veterans Administration for additional information.
11. Montgomery GI Bill-Active Duty (Chapter 30)
This program provides for up to thirty-six months of education benefits to eligible veterans. Basic eligibility criteria are an honorable discharge and a high school diploma or GED. In addition, the veteran must meet the criteria set forth in one of three categories. These criteria are based on dates of active duty, length of service, and special requirements specific to each particular category. Detailed information is available from the Veterans Administration.
12. Montgomery GI Bill-Selected Reserve (Chapter 1606)
Selected Reserve educational benefits are available to members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard Reserves as well as the Army National Guard and the Air Guard. It is the first Veteran's Administration program that makes educational benefits available to reservists who have never served on active duty. Additional information about eligibility criteria and monthly benefit amounts is available from your Reserve or Guard unit.
13. Reserve Educational Assistance Program (Chapter 1607)
REAP is an education program that provides up to 36 months of education benefits to members of the Selected Reserves, Individual Ready Reserve, and National Guard, who are called to active service in response to a war or national emergency, as declared by the President or Congress. Eligibility will be determined by the Department of Defense or Department of Homeland Security, as appropriate. Additional information is available at
14. Veterans Administration Survivors' and Dependents' Educational Assistance (Chapter 35)
This education benefit is available to certain veterans' children who are at least eighteen years old, veterans' spouses, and surviving spouses who have not remarried. The veteran must be totally and permanently disabled from a service-related disability or died because of a service-related disability. Eligible persons can receive benefits for up to forty-five months. Additional information is available from the Veterans Administration.
15. Post-9/11 GI Bill (Chapter 33)
The Post-9/11 GI Bill provides financial support for education and housing to individuals with at least 90 days of aggregate service on or after September 11, 2001, or individuals with a service-connected disability after 30 days. You must have received an honorable discharge to be eligible. The Post-9/11 GI Bill will pay eligible individuals at a percentage level ranging from 40% to 100%, based on the total number of days of eligible service after September 10, 2001. Payments include: tuition and fees directly to the school, not to exceed the maximum in-state tuition and fees at a public Institution of Higher Learning; a monthly housing allowance based on the Basic Housing Allowance for an E-5 with dependents at the location of the school; and an annual books and supplies stipend of $1,000 paid proportionately based on enrollment. Additionally, tutorial assistance, and licensing and certification test reimbursement are approved. If you are enrolled exclusively in online training, you will not receive the housing allowance. If you are on active duty you will not receive the housing allowance or books and supplies stipend. This benefit provides up to 36 months of education benefits, generally payable for 15 years following your release from active duty. The Post-9/11 GI Bill also offers some service members the opportunity to transfer their GI Bill to their dependents. Additional information is available from the Veterans Administration.
16. Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment VetSuccess Program (Chapter 31)
The VR&E VetSuccess program assists veterans with service-connected disabilities prepare for, find, and keep suitable jobs by providing services that include post-secondary training at a college or university. Contact the Veterans Administration for more information.