Courses in Public Health
Public Health Courses
H SPH 201 Introduction to Public Health (3)
A general introduction to what public health is, its importance for everybody’s health, and how it functions as a combination of science and politics. The role of the public health system will be illustrated by describing issues confronting New York State and what is being done about them.
H SPH 202 From Cholera to Cancer: History, Challenges, and Achievements in Public Health (3)
Public health crosses political, disciplinary, social, and economic borders. Within this context, students will discuss key events in the history of public health and the philosophical basis of studying the health of populations. Readings and outside assignments include popular plays and books, as well as films and various self-teaching streaming videos.
H SPH 231 Concepts in Epidemiology (3)
This course is designed to introduce students to the science of epidemiology. Specific subjects will include causal thinking, the epidemiologic framework, and study designs utilized in epidemiologic studies and the role of epidemiology in public health. Prerequisite(s): A MAT 108.
H SPH 310 (= H HPM 310) Health Care in the U.S.: Key Policy Issues (3)
This course is an overview of the status, trends, and key issues concerning U.S. health care delivery today. It will include a comparative assessment of health policies by determining which issues in the U.S. health economy have similar causes with those in other nations, and which are specific to domestic circumstances. Only one version of H SPH 310 may be taken for credit. Prerequisite(s): A ECO 110 or permission of instructor.
H SPH 321 Global Environmental Issues and Their Effect on Human Health (3)
Globalization has made the earth a much smaller place so that we can no longer focus merely on issues in the United States. This course will address global environmental concerns and their impact on human change, atmospheric pollution, sanitation, etc.) within the context of their impacts on populations throughout the world. Faculty and invited lecturers will be guest presenters. Prerequisite(s): one semester of college-level course in biology or chemistry.
H SPH 332 (= H EPI 332) Epidemiology and Biostatistics (3)
This course will be a basic introduction to statistics as used in the field of public health. Students will learn basic descriptive statistics, measures of central tendency and dispersion, basic rules of probability spaces, binomial and normal probability distributions, sampling distributions, estimation and hypothesis testing. In addition, students will learn how to use a computer program to analyze data. Prerequisite(s): A MAT 108.
H SPH 341 Promoting Healthy People and Communities (3)
This course focuses on how health promotion strategies influence healthy behaviors, healthy people, and healthy communities. Current public health issues will guide us in examining key health promotion concepts, health concerns at different ages, and the causes of different health behaviors. Health inequalities and mass media’s role will also be highlighted.
H SPH 342 How U.S. Health Care Works: Myths and Realities (3)
This course will introduce students to everyday realities of the U.S. health care system related to current issues like health care quality, access to care, the uninsured, patient safety, health care inflation, prescription drugs, physician-patient interaction, use of health care technology, and end-of-life care. The course is intended to provide students with an understanding of the various actors, stakeholder interactions, and functions of the U.S. health care system, through a case-based approach interweaving real world events, practice experience, and research about those events.
H SPH 343 Mass Media and Health Behavior (3)
The course will focus on examining how entertainment media, including the Internet, influences health behavior, including topics such as tobacco use, obesity, and violence. The course will also look at the role that advertising has on health, and discuss how the media can be used to educate people about healthy behavior.
H SPH 381 (= H HPM 381 & A ECO 381) Economics of Health Care (3)
Economics concepts are used to explain the nature of demand and supply in the health care field. The behavior of consumers and health care providers is examined from an economic perspective. Areas of market failures and the rationale for government intervention are also described. Only one version of H SPH 381 may be taken for credit. Prerequisite(s): A ECO 300 or permission of instructor.
H SPH 460 Evidence-Based Public Health (3)
Effective programs and policies to promote community health must be based on thorough assessment of health problems, associated risks factors and interventions to lower those risks. A public health professional must master the most current scientific evidence and recommendations from the literature about effective policies and programmatic interventions. H SPH 460 is the capstone course for undergraduates in public health that integrates prior learning by applying that knowledge to assessment of current public health problems and design, implementation and evaluation of effective, evidence-based, interventions to alleviate those problems. The curriculum utilizes case studies and 'real-life' scenarios as context for lectures, exercises, homework, group learning, and class presentations. Prerequisite(s): H SPH 201, 231, and H 341.
H SPH 490 Field Placement in Public Health (3)
Supervised placement in a public health agency or organization. Provides practical experience to engage the student in the application of public health principles discussed in the classroom. Limited to qualified students in the public health major. Prerequisite(s): open only to seniors. At least 9 credits of public health major core coursework, including H SPH 201 and 231. Permission of instructor required. G.P.A. of 3.0 or above.
Health Policy and Management Courses
H HPM 310 (= H SPH 310) Health Care in the U.S.: Key Policy Issues (3)
This course is an overview of the status, trends, and key issues concerning U.S. health care delivery today. It will include a comparative assessment of health policies by determining which issues in the U.S. health economy have similar causes with those in other nations, and which are specific to domestic circumstances. Prerequisite(s): A ECO 110 or permission of instructor.
H HPM 381 (= H SPH 381 & A ECO 381) Economics of Health Care (3)
Economics concepts are used to explain the nature of demand and supply in the health care field. The behavior of consumers and health care providers is examined from an economic perspective. Areas of market failures and the rationale for government intervention are also described. Only one version of H HPM 381 may be taken for credit. Prerequisite(s): A ECO 300 or permission of instructor.
Epidemiology Courses
H EPI 460 Participatory Action Research (3)
See H SPH 460.