School of Public Health


 Philip Nasca, Ph.D.
  State University of New York at Buffalo

Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
 Mary Applegate, M.D., M.P.H.
  Johns Hopkins University and University of 
  Massachusetts at Amherst

Undergraduate Program Director
 Dwight Williams, MSW
  Rutgers University

Associate Dean for Research and Distinguished Professor
 Edward Hannan, Ph.D.
  University of Massachusetts at Amherst

 Edward Fitzgerald, Ph.D.
  Yale University
  Chair, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
 Laurence Kaminsky, Ph.D.  
  Cape Town University
Department of Environmental Health Sciences
 Lawrence Schell, Ph.D.
  University of Pennsylvania
 Bonnie Steinbock, Ph.D.
  University of California, Berkeley
 Howard Stratton, Ph.D.
  University of California Riverside
 Igor Zurbenko, Ph.D.
  University of Moscow

Associate Professors
 Kirsten Davison, Ph. D.
  Penn State University
 Diane Dewar, Ph.D.
  University at Albany
 James Dias, Ph.D.
  Washington State University
  Chair, Department of Biomedical Sciences
 Mary Gallant, Ph.D.
  University of Michigan
  Chair, Department of Heath Policy, Management, and Behavior

 Timothy Hoff, Ph.D.
  University at Albany
 Louise-Anne McNutt, Ph.D.
  University of Iowa
 Benjamin Shaw, Ph.D.
  University of Michigan
 Barry Sherman, Ph.D.
  University of Chicago   
 David S. Strogatz, Ph.D.
  University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
 Scott Tenenbaum, Ph.D.
  Tulane University  

Clinical Associate Professors
 Dwight Williams, M.S.W.
  Rutgers University
 Carol Young, Ph.D.
  Cornell University

Assistant Professors
 Erin Bell, Ph.D.
  University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
 Irina Birman, Ph.D.
  Moscow Agricultural University
 Lenore Gensburg, M.S.
  University at Albany
 Janine Jurkowski, Ph.D.
University of Illinois at Chicago
 Haider Khwaja, Ph.D.
  University of New Brunswick
 Jennifer Manganello, Ph.D.
  Johns Hopkins University
 Kristi McClamroch, Ph.D.
  University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 
 Roxana Moslehi, Ph.D.
  University of British Columbia
 Priya Nambisan, Ph.D.
  Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
 Wendy Weller, Ph.D.
  Johns Hopkins University
 Yuchi Young, Ph.D.
  Johns Hopkins University
 Michael Zdeb, M.S.
  University at Albany

Public Health’s mission is to address the physical, mental, and environmental concerns of populations at risk for disease and injury. Through a unique partnership between the University at Albany and the New York State Department of Health, the School of Public Health trains students to promote and improve the health of the public health through education, research, community service, and leadership.

The School of Public Health is comprised of four academic departments: Biomedical Sciences; Environmental Health Sciences; Epidemiology & Biostatistics; and Health Policy, Management & Behavior. The School offers several undergraduate programs: a minor in public health; a faculty-initiated interdisciplinary major in public health; and joint B.A./M.S. and B.S./M.S. degrees described below. It also offers the following graduate degrees: Master of Science, Master of Public Health, Doctor of Philosophy, and Doctor of Public Health.

Admission Requirements
Admission to the public health major requires an application during the sophomore or junior year. Applications are reviewed by the School’s Undergraduate Committee. Applicants must have completed a minimum of 24 credits prior to admission, and must have earned a grade of B or higher in A MAT 108. In addition, students should have completed the pre-core requirements and at least one public health course.

Please visit the School’s website or contact Lue Ellis, the School’s Undergraduate Program Coordinator for additional details: or 518-442-3155.

Degree Requirements for the Faculty-Initiated Interdisciplinary Major in Public Health

The undergraduate major in public health will lead to a Bachelor of Science degree. It includes the educational objectives of nurturing critical thinking, analysis, and synthesis of information, and recognizing the historical and societal context of current trends in public health and health care delivery. It also provides an introduction to disease control and health promotion interventions, and determinants of health from a global perspective.

General Program B.S.: A minimum of 40 credits distributed as follows:

Pre-Core Courses (10 credits)
A BIO 120 General Biology I and A BIO 122 General Biology Lab I or
A BIO 110
A MAT 108 Elementary Statistics
A PHI 115 Moral Choices

Public Health Core Courses (21 credits)
H SPH 201 Introduction to Public Health
H SPH 231 Concepts in Epidemiology
H SPH 321 Global Environmental Issues and their Effect on Human Health
H SPH/H EPI 332 Epidemiology and Biostatistics
H SPH 341 Promoting Healthy People and Communities
H SPH 342 How U.S. Health Care Works: Myths and Realities
H EPI 460 Participatory Action Research

Electives (9 credits)
Students must complete at least 9 credits (three courses) of elective coursework, approved by the advisor. Of these 9 credits, 6 credits must be at the 300 level or above. Suggested elective courses are listed below, grouped into areas of emphasis that correspond to the main fields that make up public health. Because the undergraduate major is designed to give students broad interdisciplinary exposure to public health, students are advised to choose one elective from three different areas of emphasis. In rare circumstances, and with the approval of the advisor, a student who wishes to focus on a single discipline in greater depth can choose all electives from a single area of emphasis.

Note: Students may select other courses not listed below as part of their area of emphasis, with approval from their advisor. All elective courses in departments outside the School of Public Health will be available to public health majors on a space-available basis.

Policy and Management Emphasis
H SPH 202 From Cholera to Cancer: History, Challenges and Achievements in Public Health
H SPH/H HPM 310 Health Care in the U.S.: Key Policy Issues
H SPH/H HPM/A ECO 381 Economics of Health Care
A COM 465 Communication in Health Care Organizations
H SPH 490 Field Placement in Public Health (Policy/Management focus)
H HPM 500 Health Care Organization, Delivery and Finance (Approval of department chair and course instructor required)
H HPM 550 Financial Management of Healthcare Institutions (Approval of department chair and course instructor required)

Social Behavior and Community Health Emphasis
H SPH 202 From Cholera to Cancer: History, Challenges, and Achievements in Public Health
A PSY 329 Health Psychology
A COM 465 Health Communication: Doctor-Patient Interaction
H SPH 343 Mass Media and Health Behavior
H SPH 490 Field Placement in Public Health (Social Behavior focus)
H HPM 525 Social and Behavioral Aspects of Public Health (Approval of department chair and course instructor required)
H HPM 521 Introduction to Family and Community Health (Approval of department chair and course instructor required)
H HPM 531 Childhood Obesity from a Public Health Perspective (Approval of department chair and course instructor required)

Epidemiology Emphasis
A ANT 119 The City and Human Health
H SPH 202 From Cholera to Cancer: History, Challenges, and Achievements in Public Health
A ANT 418 Culture, Environment, and Health
H SPH 490 Field Placement in Public Health (Epidemiology focus)
H EPI 501 Principles and Methods of Epidemiology I (Approval of department chair required)
H EPI 502 Principles and Methods of Epidemiology II (Approval of department chair required)
H EPI 503 Principles of Public Health (Approval of department chair and course instructor required)
H EPI 514 Computer Programming for Data Management and Analysis in Public Health (Approval of department chair and course instructor required)

Biomedical and Environmental Health Sciences Emphasis
A ANT 119 The City and Human Health
A ANT 418 Culture, Environment, and Health
A CHM 425 Introduction to Undergraduate Research in Chemistry
H SPH 490 Field Placement in Public Health (Biomedical and/or Environmental Health Sciences focus)
H BMS 505 Biological Basis of Public Health (Approval of department chair and course instructor required)
H BMS 622 Cancer Biology (Approval of department chair and course instructor required)
H EHS 590 Introduction to Environmental Health (Approval of department chair and course instructor required)
All undergraduate H SPH courses, H EPI 460, H HPM 310, and H HPM 381, offered by the School of Public Health, are considered “liberal arts and sciences” courses for the purposes of meeting B.A. and B.S. degree requirements.

Joint B.A./M.S. and B.S./M.S. Degrees

The Department of Health Policy, Management & Behavior at the School of Public Health has joint study opportunities for undergraduate economics, sociology, and psychology majors. Students majoring in one of these areas can earn an undergraduate degree along with a master’s degree in 5 years of full-time study, including the summer prior to the fifth year. Interested undergraduates are encouraged to contact the Department of Health Policy, Management & Behavior at (518) 402-0333 for more information.

Courses in the School of Public Health are preceded by the school’s letter H.