Summer Sessions
Registration for Summer Sessions usually begins in late March or early April and is coupled with fall registration. Registration for summer continues until the first day of classes for each session.
All UAlbany students, graduate and undergraduate, are eligible to register for summer classes as well as college students from other institutions and those who are college-bound. Newly admitted freshmen or transfers due to begin at UAlbany in the fall term must update their admission status to include summer in order to register for summer classes. Only high school seniors, high school juniors about to enter their senior year, or graduated high school seniors are eligible to attend summer classes.
Albany Undergraduate and Graduate Students
Current University at Albany students must follow the fall/summer advance registration reporting schedule. Students may register at or after their appointment time up to the first day of their selected class. After this time, late registration goes into effect. Students must contact their academic advisor to obtain a summer AVN as well as a fall AVN in order to enroll.
Visiting Undergraduate Students
All students who attend a college other than Albany will be admitted and registered by the Office of General Studies and Summer Sessions. Visitors may apply and register online, or by mail, fax, or in-person using the printable Nondegree Registration Application.
Once received, the Office of General Studies and Summer Sessions will process the application and registration and respond by mail with a registration confirmation. Information to access the University’s Web-based student self-management system (MyUAlbany) will be given at this time.
All visiting students are responsible for appropriate approvals from their home institution ensuring course transferability to their degree program.
General Studies Students
Those wishing to register for undergraduate courses but who are not currently attending college may apply for summer admission through the Office of General Studies. The student must possess at least a high school diploma or the equivalent in order to be eligible. General Studies’ students may apply and register online, or by mail, fax, or in person using the downloadable Nondegree Registration Application.
An academic advisor is available to students through the Office of General Studies to help review course selections and answer academic inquiries.
Students who were once matriculated at UAlbany and have not yet completed a Bachelor’s degree should refer to the section in this bulletin on Readmission Procedures.
Visiting High School Students
High school juniors who are entering their senior year or high school seniors and who are in good academic standing may be eligible for admission to summer sessions. Visiting high school students must follow the guidelines for admission as outlined in the Nondegree Admission section of this Bulletin under High School Students.
Academic Regulations and Policies
Complete academic regulations and standards appear in detail in this Bulletin or online at Should you require information regarding grading standards and academic policy, please refer to the appropriate section of this Bulletin.
Course descriptions as detailed in this Bulletin or online via MyUlbany should be reviewed to be sure that all prerequisites have been met prior to registering.
The recommended maximum course load in summer sessions is as follows:
four-week session: maximum course load is two courses
six-week session: maximum course load is three courses
twelve-week session: maximum course load is three courses
overlapping sessions: maximum course load at one point in time is three courses
Under no circumstances may a student exceed nineteen credit hours during summer sessions.
Students who no longer wish to attend a summer class must drop themselves from that class on MyUAlbany or in writing to the Office of Summer Sessions. Nonattendance does not constitute a drop. Students who fail to drop their class remain liable for the tuition charges. Only dropping within the refund period will cancel a tuition obligation. Students should refer to each session’s academic calendar or to the Tuition Refund Schedule for withdrawal dates with a refund.
Students may not informally audit any summer course. However, students may formally audit a course with instructor consent. All rules and regulations for formal audits can be found in the Auditing Courses section of this Bulletin.
Policies pertaining to Online Classes
The University at Albany offers a variety of online classes during the Summer Sessions and Wintersession terms. All academic regulations and policies apply equally to online courses. The only difference between online and traditional classes is their mode of delivery.
UAlbany courses are offered in the online format via Blackboard Learning System (currently, BLS CE6). Instructions for accessing an online course will be sent to each registered student prior to the start of the class. Students are not admitted to online classes after the first day of the course.
All drop deadlines, including those for refunds, apply to online courses. Students wishing to drop their online class must drop via MyUAlbany within the stated deadlines for the term. Nonattendance (not signing into the class) does not constitute a drop.
A blended (or hybrid) course, which is a combination of classroom and online learning, does not constitute an online course. Students should be aware of any class meetings prior to enrolling so that proper attendance can be achieved.