Courses in French
Courses in French Language
A FRE 101 Beginning French I (4)
For students with no previous study of French. This course emphasizes the development of practical communication skills through a variety of lively, interactive activities. By the end of the course, students should be able to talk about themselves, their immediate world, and their interests. The course also provides an introduction to the culture of France and other French speaking countries. According to University regulations, this course may not be taken for credit by students who have taken three years of high school French or passed the Regents examination within the past five years. Language courses must be taken in sequence. A student may not earn graduation credit for a lower-level course taken concurrently with a higher-level course or after receiving credit for a higher-level course in the sequence.
A FRE 102 Beginning French II (4)
For students who have completed one semester of college French, such as A FRE 101, or one year of high school French. This course continues to emphasize the development of practical communication skills using a lively and interactive approach. Students expand their proficiency to be able to talk not only about themselves, but about the world. Students also increase their knowledge of French and francophone cultures. By the end of the course, students should have basic survival skills in French. Language courses must be taken in sequence. A student may not earn graduation credit for a lower-level course taken concurrently with a higher-level course or after receiving credit for a higher-level course in the sequence. Prerequisite(s): A FRE 101 or permission of instructor.
A FRE 106 Pronunciation of French (1)
Practice in sound discrimination and production. Lab work and individualized private sessions. Corequisite(s): simultaneous enrollment in a 100 or 200 level French language class. Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor. S/U graded.
A FRE 221Y Intermediate French I (4)
For students who have completed one year of introductory college French (such as A FRE 101, 102) or two to three years of high school French (the complete Regents sequence). This course provides a substantial review of the basics while expanding students’ knowledge of vocabulary and structure, and allows them to express themselves in a more varied and meaningful way, both orally and in writing. As in the previous levels, students have plenty of opportunity for interaction in class. Culture is explored in greater depth than in preceding levels. Students read a variety of short texts during the semester. Language courses must be taken in sequence. A student may not earn graduation credit for a lower-level course taken concurrently with a higher-level course or after receiving credit for a higher-level course in the sequence. Prerequisite(s): A FRE 102 or permission of instructor.
A FRE 222Y Intermediate French II (4)
For students who have completed A FRE 221Y, three semesters of college French, or three to four years of high school French (one year beyond the Regents' sequence). Continuing with a functional and thematic approach to building proficiency and a lively, interactive approach to learning, this course builds on students’ previous knowledge to expand and refine their ability to express themselves, both orally and in writing. Culture continues to play a central role, as does reading. Students read a variety of short texts as well as a work chosen by the instructor. By the end of A FRE 222, students should be able to express themselves and read with reasonable fluency on a variety of topics. Language courses must be taken in sequence. A student may not earn graduation credit for a lower-level course taken concurrently with a higher-level course or after receiving credit for a higher-level course in the sequence. Prerequisite(s): A FRE 221Y or permission of instructor.
Core Courses for the Major
A FRE 301 (formerly A FRE 240) Structural Review of French (3)
Provides a thorough review of French structure for communication with increased accuracy in both speaking and writing. Students will not only improve their control of French grammar, but will also learn how the grammar functions in specific spoken and written contexts. Prerequisite(s): A FRE 222 or equivalent.
A FRE 306 Comprehension & Pronunciation of French (3)
This course is designed to help students hear and understand French with greater ease and to speak French with greater accuracy. It combines an examination of how sounds are produced, how they are organized into a patterned system, and how they are different from English sounds, with practical exercises in sound discrimination, listening comprehension, and oral practice. Students increase their ability to communicate successfully with French speakers throughout the francophone world.
A FRE 340Z Introduction to Writing French (3)
Builds on the skills acquired in A FRE 301, concentrates on improving written expression through expansion of vocabulary and use of more complex and varied sentence structures. A variety of written texts will provide models for different kinds of writing, with an emphasis on description and narration. Intensive writing practice through formal compositions as well as weekly participation in electronic bulletin board discussions on topics of student’s choosing. Fulfills the General Education writing intensive requirement. Prerequisite(s): A FRE 301 or permission of instructor.
A FRE 341/341Z (formerly A FRE 241/241Z) Introduction to Global French Studies (3)
This course introduces students to the fields of linguistics, culture, and literature in France, the Caribbean, Quebec, and/or Africa. Includes units on fiction, film, music, and art. Students are taught research and analysis techniques that are required in all upper-level courses in the French Studies Program. Required for the French minor. Only one version A FRE 341 may be taken for credit. Prerequisite(s): A FRE 301 or permission of instructor.
A FRE 355 Contemporary French Society and Culture (3)
A course designed to give students a broad knowledge and understanding of French society today: value orientations, family and education, social and political institutions, leisure and work, and the media. Prerequisite(s): A FRE 341 or permission of instructor.
A FRE 360 Social and Cultural History of France (3)
Provides a broad knowledge and understanding of the political, social, intellectual, literary and artistic history of France from the Middle Ages to the present as well as the historical and conceptual framework required in more advanced courses in French Studies. Prerequisite(s): A FRE 341 or permission of instructor.
A FRE 461/461Z Classics of Literature in French (3)
An in-depth study of major literary works from France and the Francophone world. Interpretive techniques will be illustrated by selected critical essays. Only one version of A FRE 461 may be taken for credit. Prerequisite(s): A FRE 341 or permission of instructor.
Electives at the 200 Level
A FRE 270 Beginning French for Business (3)
A conversation course with emphasis on learning how business is conducted in French. Successful students will acquire greater fluency, mastery of business vocabulary, knowledge of fundamental work-related cultural differences, and familiarity with basic practices for doing business in France and other francophone countries. Extensive use of film and television. Meets General Education oral discourse requirements. Prerequisite(s): intermediate standing and permission of instructor.
A FRE 297 Independent Study in French (1-3)
Study in an area of special interest not treated in courses currently offered. Topic must be approved by the undergraduate adviser and directed by a member of the faculty. May be repeated once for credit with approval.
Electives at the 300 Level
A FRE 315 Introduction to French Cinema (3)
An introduction with detailed analyses to a dozen of the most well known French classic films as contributions to the art of cinema and as reflections of French society at various historical moments. Only one of A FRE 238 and 315 may be taken for credit. Prerequisite(s): A FRE341Z.
A FRE 350Y French Conversation (3)
Students will learn the strategies, vocabulary, and structures that will allow them to participate more fluently and confidently in a variety of spoken contexts, both formal and informal. Some of the conversational functions and strategies covered include reporting, giving advice, conducting interviews, expressing differences of opinion, expressing aesthetic judgments, and reading out loud. Students will have the opportunity to talk about current events, engage in debate, and talk about their personal interests. Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor.
A FRE 361/361Z Readings in French Literature (3)
Major works and selections will be studied in the context of the social and cultural structures of a particular period. May be repeated for credit when content varies. Prerequisite(s) A FRE 341Z.
A FRE 365 Contemporary French Press (3)
Examines the press through the analysis and discussion of newspapers, magazines, and their ideologies. Prerequisite(s): A FRE 341Z.
A FRE 397 Independent Study in French (1–4)
Study in an area of special interest not treated in courses currently offered. Topic must be approved by the undergraduate adviser and directed by a member of the faculty. May be repeated once for credit with approval. Prerequisite(s): A FRE 341Z.
A FRE 399 Special Topics (3)
Intensive study of a topic not treated in regularly offered undergraduate courses. May be repeated for credit when content varies. Prerequisite(s): A FRE 301 or permission of instructor.
Electives at the 400 Level
A FRE 405 Research in French Society and Culture (3)
Aspects of contemporary French culture, French society, politics, economy, education, religion, mass media, the arts. Prerequisite(s): A FRE 340Z and 341Z.
A FRE 406 French Linguistics: Morphology and Syntax (3)
Survey of the structure of the French language in light of current linguistic theory. Prerequisite(s): A LIN 220 or permission of instructor.
A FRE 415 French Cinema and Society (3)
Analysis of selected commercial feature films by major contemporary French directors. Emphasis will be placed on the consideration of each film as a social and cultural document. Only one of A FRE 338 and 415 may be taken for credit. Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor.
A FRE 430 Translation (3)
This course will deal with both the theoretical and practical aspects of translation, with regular exercises in the translation (from French to English and from English to French) of a wide variety of texts (literary, scientific, journalistic, economic, poetic, etc.). Prerequisite(s): A FRE 340Z and 341Z.
A FRE 440Z Writing French with Style (3)
Intensive practice of written French through close analysis of grammar and stylistic study of selected works. Aims to strengthen and develop competency in different styles of writing: creative, argumentative, and analytical. Prerequisite(s): A FRE 340Z.
A FRE 450 French Speech Styles (3)
Training in the diversity of francophone speech styles used by various individuals, groups, institutions, and media of diverse social or geographical origins. Grammatical and lexical analysis of these styles, their cultural implications and social contexts. Prerequisite(s): A FRE 340Z and 341Z or participation in an overseas program.
A FRE 455 Life and Letters (3)
Exploration of the historical, cultural, and literary aspects of a particular period or movement. May be repeated once for credit when content varies. Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor.
A FRE 462 The Novel (3)
Study of the techniques, forms, and themes of the genre as seen through representative works. Prerequisite(s): A FRE 340Z and 341Z.
A FRE 463 Poetry (3)
Study of the techniques, forms, and themes of the genre as seen through representative works. Prerequisite(s): A FRE 340Z and 341Z.
A FRE 464 Theatre (3)
Study of the techniques, forms and themes of the genre as seen through representative works. Prerequisite(s): A FRE 340Z and 341Z.
A FRE 470 French For Business (3)
Provides students with the tools needed in a French speaking business environment: specialized vocabulary, correspondence, business operations in France, the economy of France and the European Union. This course provides preparation for the examinations (on campus) leading to certification by the Paris Chamber of Commerce (Diplôme de Français des Affaires I and II). Prerequisite(s): A FRE 340Z or equivalent.
A FRE 481 Francophone Cultures (3)
An examination of non-European cultures in Africa and the Caribbean as well as French based cultures in North America. Gives a broad understanding of the political and social impact of French colonization and examines contemporary francophone life through the study of literary and other texts as well as film. Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor.
A FRE 497 Honor Thesis (4)
An independent honors thesis written under the supervision of an appropriate faculty member. Normally taken during final semester of senior year. Prequisite(s): all other requirements for the Honors Program must be completed or in the course of completion during the semester the thesis is written.
A FRE 498 Face-to-Face (3)
Seminar devoted to the works of a visiting major figure in contemporary French thought, letters, film, or art. Taught by a regular faculty member in cooperation with the visiting author or artist. May be repeated for credit with permission of undergraduate adviser. Prerequisite(s): A FRE 340Z and 341Z or permission of the undergraduate adviser.
A FRE 499 Undergraduate Seminar (3)
Intensive study of an author, topic, or literary theme not treated in regularly offered undergraduate courses. May be repeated for credit when content varies. Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor.
Courses Taught in English
A FRE 201 Perspectives on the French World (1–3)
Intensive study of a particular work or works, limited theme or topic, genre, or contemporary issue. Taught in English. May be repeated once for credit when content varies. May not be used to fulfill the requirements of the major in French.
T FRE 201/201W Women in Medieval France (3)
Intensive study of a particular work or works, limited theme or topic, genre, or contemporary issue. Taught in English. May not be used to fulfill the requirements of the major in French. T FRE 201 is the Honors College version of A FRE 201; only one with the same topic may be taken for credit.
A FRE 202 French Literature (3)
Reading and discussion of selected works of French literature in translation. Taught in English. May be repeated once for credit when content varies. May not be used to fulfill the requirements of the major in French.
A FRE 208 Haiti through Film and Literature (3)
An introduction to the history and culture of Haiti. Gives broad knowledge and understanding of the political, social, intellectual, literary, and artistic history of Haiti from 1492 to the present, particularly as it relates to the United States. Main tools of investigation: fiction, essays, film (documentary and fiction), and the arts. May be used to complete the French minor.
A FRE 218/218Y Contemporary France (3)
Analysis and comparison of French and American value orientations, family structures, educational, political, economic, and cultural institutions. Taught in English. Only one version of A FRE 218 may be taken for credit. May not be used to fulfill the requirements of the major in French.
T FRE 218 Contemporary France (3)
T FRE 218 is the Honors College version of A FRE 218; only one version may be taken for credit.
A FRE 238 (= A ARH 238) Great Classics of French Cinema (3)
An introduction with detailed analyses to a dozen of the most well known French classic films as contributions to the art of cinema and as reflections of French society at various historical moments. Taught in English. May not be used to fulfill the requirements of the major in French. Only one of A ARH/A FRE 238 and A FRE 315 can be taken for credit.
A FRE 281 French Canada Through Film and Literature (3)
Gives broad knowledge of the French speaking areas of Canada (mainly Quebec and Acadia) through an examination of the history of the French in North America as well as contemporary literature and cinema. May be taken to complete the French minor.
A FRE 338 French Cinema and Society (3)
Analysis of selected feature films of major contemporary French directors. Emphasis on each film as a social and cultural document. Taught in English. May not be used to fulfill the requirements of the major in French. Only one of A FRE 338 and 415 may be taken for credit. Prerequisite(s): junior or senior standing or permission of instructor.
A FRE 398 Face-to-Face (3)
Seminar devoted to the works of a visiting major figure in contemporary French thought, letters, film, or art. Taught by a regular faculty member in cooperation with the visiting author or artist. Taught in English. May be repeated for credit with permission of the program chair. May not be used to fulfill the requirements of the major in French. Prerequisite(s): junior or senior standing or permission of instructor.
A FRE 460W/460Y/460Z (=A ARH 450W/450Y/450Z) Art and Society in Early Modern France (3)
Seminar examining selected topics in art and architecture produced in France from the 16th through 18th centuries. Special emphasis upon the cultural significance of art in an era that saw the rise and fall of monarchical power as well as dramatic changes in understanding of social hierarchy, gender, the natural world and philosophy. Taught in English. French majors will do readings and written work in French when possible. Only one version of A FRE 460 may be taken for credit. Prerequisite(s): A FRE 360.