Department of Geography and Planning
Distinguished Service Professor
John S. Pipkin, Ph.D. (Collins Fellow)
Northwestern University
Ray Bromley, Ph.D.
Cambridge University
Christopher J. Smith, Ph.D. (Department Chair)
University of Michigan
Roger W. Stump, Ph.D.
University of Kansas
Associate Professors
Gene Bunnell, Ph.D.
London School of Economics
Yougin Huang, Ph.D.
University of California, Los Angeles
Andrei Lapenis, Ph.D.
State Hydrological Institute, Saint Petersburg
Catherine T. Lawson, Ph.D.
Portland State University
David A. Lewis, Ph.D.
Rutgers University
James E. Mower, Ph.D.
State University of New York at Buffalo
Kwadwo A. Sarfoh, Ph.D.
University of Cincinnati
Assistant Professors
Corianne P. Scally, Ph.D.
Rutgers University
Adjuncts (estimated): 12
Teaching Assistants (estimated): 2.5
The Department of Geography and Planning offers programs leading to the B.A., M.A., and M.R.P. degrees, a combined B.A./M.A. program, and an Undergraduate/Graduate Certificate in Geographic Information Systems and Spatial Analysis. Undergraduate students can major or minor in geography and the department also offers a major and minor in urban studies and planning. Geographers study the characteristics of space, location and place in the broader context of how people interact with both physical and human environments. Geography can be classified as both a natural science and a social science as it examines people and their environment and serves as a bridge between the physical and cultural worlds. Planning is a discipline and professional practice that deals with the form, organization, and orderly development of cities, suburbs, and rural areas. Geographic information systems (GIS), computer mapping, remote sensing, and related technologies are central to the discipline of geography and are indispensable in many areas of professional planning practice.
Teaching and research in the department emphasize urban, social, physical, and cultural geography; city and regional planning; urban design; remote sensing; cartography and geographic information systems; environmental studies; climatology; computer and statistical models; area (regional) studies; urban and regional planning methods; economic development; small town and rural land-use planning. Members of the faculty have strong international links with China, Russia, Australia, and various countries in Africa, Latin America and Western Europe.
The undergraduate programs provide background suitable for entry into a wide variety of business, educational and government occupations, as well for graduate or professional study in geography, planning, business, public administration, forestry, landscape architecture and other environmentally oriented programs. Career possibilities include: cartographers, remote sensing, and geographic information systems (G.I.S.) specialists; location and market area analysts; urban, regional, economic, and transportation planners; environmental scientists; international development specialists; urban design professionals; industrial and real estate developers; soil scientists; marketing and distribution managers; journalists; and travel and recreation specialists.
Degree Requirements for the Major in Geography
General Program B.A.: A minimum of 36 credits, including
- A GOG 101 and 102.
- A MAT 108 (or an approved equivalent).
- A GOG 496.
- one course from A GOG 290, 293, or 484.
- 20–21 credits of elective course work in Geography which must include: (a) a minimum of 9 credits at or above the 300 level; and (b) at least one course from the following: A GOG/A EAC 160, A GOG/A GLO 225, A GOG/A LCS 250, A GOG/A AAS 270, A GOG/A EAC 350, A GOG/A LCS 354, A GOG/A ECO 356, or A GOG 365.
Honors Program
The department’s honors program in geography is intended to recognize the academic excellence of its best students, to give them the opportunity to work more closely with the faculty, and to enhance their understanding of geographical theory and research. Students may apply for admission to the program during their junior year or at the beginning of their senior year. To gain admission, students must have formally declared a major in geography and completed at least 12 credits of course work in the department. In addition, at the time of admission students must have an overall grade point average of at least 3.25, and of 3.50 in geography.
Students must complete a minimum of 48 credits total of which 42 credits are in geography, as follows:
- 12 credits from A GOG 101, 102, 396, and 400.
- 3-4 credits from A GOG 290, 293, or 484.
- 6 credits of Senior Honors Thesis, A GOG 499. During this two-semester sequence, the student will prepare an honors thesis based on original library and/or field research, under the supervision of a member of the department. Any faculty member knowledgeable in the topic may supervise an honors thesis. A written proposal describing the project must be approved by the adviser and the departmental Honors Committee by the beginning of the student’s senior year. The thesis will be submitted for formal evaluation in the spring semester of the student’s senior year, and must be approved by both the adviser and the Honors Committee.
- 20–21 credits of elective course work in geography which must include a) a minimum of 12 credits at or above the 300 level and b) at least 1 course of a regional nature from the following: A GOG/A EAC 160, A GOG/A GLO 225, A GOG/A LCS 250, A GOG/A AAS 270, A GOG/A EAC 350, A GOG/A LCS 354, A GOG/A ECO 356, or A GOG 365.
- A minimum of 6 credits of foreign language or of an appropriate research skill, such as computing, statistics, or social research methodology as approved by the adviser and the Honors Committee. If this requirement is met using a foreign language, the student must complete one year of college-level study of the language or achieve placement beyond the first year of that language. For a research skill other than a foreign language, the student must complete 6 credits of relevant course work outside the department.
The departmental Honors Committee will review each student’s progress at the end of each semester. Students whose work has not been satisfactory will be warned and, if warranted, dismissed from the program. Unsatisfactory work in a semester would include failing to maintain a satisfactory grade point average, having unjustified incomplete grades, or failing to make satisfactory progress toward completion of the honors program requirements. Upon completion of all honors program requirements with a grade point average of 3.50 in geography and 3.25 overall, students will be recommended by the Honors Committee for graduation with Honors in Geography.
Combined B.A./M.A. Program
The combined B.A./M.A. program in geography provides an opportunity for students of recognized academic ability and educational maturity to fulfill integrated requirements of undergraduate and master’s degree programs from the beginning of their junior year. A carefully designed program can permit a student to earn the B.A. and M.A. degrees within nine semesters.
The combined program requires a minimum of 138 credits, of which at least 30 must be graduate credits. In qualifying for the B.A., students must meet all university and college requirements, including the requirements of the undergraduate major described previously, the minor requirement, the minimum 90 credit liberal arts and sciences requirement, the general education requirements, and residency requirements. In qualifying for the M.A., students must meet all university and college requirements as outlined in the Graduate Bulletin, including completion of a minimum of 30 graduate credits and any other conditions such as a research seminar, thesis, comprehensive examination, professional experience, and residency requirements. Up to 12 graduate credits may be applied simultaneously to both the B.A. and M.A. programs.
Students may be admitted to the combined degree program at the beginning of their junior year, or after the successful completion of 56 credits. A cumulative grade point average of 3.20 or higher and three supportive letters of recommendation from faculty are required for consideration. Students will be admitted upon the recommendation of the Graduate Admissions Committee of the department.
Undergraduate Certificate Program in Geographic Information Systems and Spatial Analysis
This certificate program provides undergraduates with professional and technical training in geographic information systems (GIS) and associated techniques of spatial analysis. Geographic information systems are computer-based systems for storage, analysis, and display of spatial data. The disciplines of cartography, remote sensing and computer graphics are closely linked to the study of GIS. In conjunction with GIS, methods of spatial analysis may be used to study a wide range of problems, including resource management, land management for agriculture and forestry, urban planning, land use mapping, market area analysis, urban social analysis and a host of other applications.
The certificate requires 19 credits of undergraduate course work, including A GOG 290, 414, 484, 485, 496, and A MAT 108 (or an approved equivalent).
Faculty-Initiated Interdisciplinary Major with a Concentration in Urban Studies and Planning
The Urban Studies and Planning Major is designed for students interested in a liberal arts education focusing on urban and suburban environments, and on urban, community and neighborhood development. The program of study mixes conventional classes with fieldwork and computer-based learning, and it requires considerable awareness of international, multicultural and policy issues. Students with training in Urban Studies and Planning may enter careers in housing and community development, real estate, local and state government, local economic development, or local planning. They can pursue further study in graduate or professional schools to specialize in city and regional planning, public policy, real estate, architecture, or landscape architecture.
General Program B.A.: A minimum of 36 credits including:
- 18-19 credits of required core courses: A GOG 125, A GOG/A GLO 225, A PLN 220 and any 3 courses from: A GOG 220, A GOG/A EAS/A LCS 321, A GOG 324, A GOG/A PLN/A WSS 328, A GOG/A PLN 330, A GOG 480, A PLN 315, A PLN 320.
- 4 planning courses at the 400 or 500 level. Registration in 500 level courses is limited to seniors who obtain the permission of the program director and of the course instructor.
- 2 courses in 1 cognate discipline: anthropology (A ANT 119, 334, 372), or economics (A ECO 341 and 356), or education (E EDU 400 and 401), or history (A HIS 303, 317, 318), or political science (R POS/R PUB 321, R POS 323, R POS 424), or sociology (A SOC 373 and 375).