Courses in Informatics
I INF 100X (= I IST 100X) Internet and Information Access (3)
Introduction to the Internet and World Wide Web. Information literacy in technology and online information resources. Using, finding, evaluating, and producing information on the Internet. Only one version of I INF 100X may be taken for credit.
I INF 201 Introduction to Web Technologies (3)
A technique-oriented introduction to client-based Web design and development technologies, including HTML/XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, digital imaging, file formats, etc.; also the elements of UNIX and networks necessary to understand and implement basic information management and transfer. Prerequisite(s): I INF 100X or I IST 100X, and permission of instructor; not open to students who are taking or have completed I IST 361.
I INF 202 Introduction to Data & Databases (3)
This course will examine basic principles of data and databases, with an emphasis on relational database modeling. Topics such as database design, creation, and maintenance, user interface, and SQL queries will be presented from an end-user perspective. Prerequisite(s): I CSI 101, 110, 201, or B ITM 215, and permission of instructor; not open to students who are taking or have completed I CSI 410 or 411 or B ITM 331.
I INF 301X (= I IST 301X) The Information Environment (3)
Introduction to information science. Definitions and properties of information, production, transfer, classification, formatting, evaluation, and use. Role of information organizations including the print and electronic publishing, traditional and digital libraries, and archives. Only one version of I INF 301X may be taken for credit.
I INF 399 Special Topics in Informatics (3)
The contents of this course will vary from semester to semester. Each offering will cover an advanced topic in Informatics. May be repeated for credit when content varies. Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor, and junior or senior standing.
I INF 423 (= I IST 423) Networking Essentials (3)
Covers the fundamentals of computer networking concepts and implementation and the client and server operating systems that run on networked PCs. Special emphasis is placed on network protocols and how they operate at all layers of the networking model. Emphasis also is placed on the interoperability of networks that run on multiple protocols, platforms, and operating systems. Only one version of I INF 423 may be taken for credit.
I INF 424 (= I IST 424) Hardware and Operating Systems Essentials (3)
Covers the fundamentals of personal computer internal system components, storage systems, and peripheral devices, including problems associated with them and the procedures for servicing them. Only one version of I INF 424 may be taken for credit.
I INF 451 (= A PHY 451 & I CSI 451) Bayesian Data Analysis and Signal Processing (3)
This course will introduce both the principles and practice of Bayesian and maximum entropy methods for data analysis, signal processing, and machine learning. This is a hands-on course that will introduce the use of the MATLAB computing language for software development. Students will learn to write their own Bayesian computer programs to solve problems relevant to physics, chemistry, biology, earth science, and signal processing, as well as hypothesis testing and error analysis. Optimization techniques to be covered include gradient ascent, fixed-point methods, and Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling techniques. Only one version of I INF 451 may be taken for credit. Prerequisite(s): A MAT 214 (or equivalent) and I CSI 101 or 201.
I INF 468 (= I IST 468) Internship (3)
The internship has two components. (1) work experience in position related to student's interests in computing and information. Interns are expected to spend eight (8) hours per week during the semester at their internship location. (2) Academic seminar where students and faculty mentor meet together monthly to discuss their experiences and general career preparation topics. Assignments may include preparing a resume and cover letter, career development, assessing skills for and barriers to career development, and planning for graduate or professional school.
Students are expected to research, identify and find their own possible internship opportunities. This activity will help student to identify their own career goals and manner in which they may best be achieved, and it will also help students to learn career preparation skills that will be useful after graduation. All internship opportunities must be reviewed and approved by appropriate faculty prior to course registration. May be repeated for up to 6 credits. Prerequisite(s): junior or senior standing and a minimum GPA of 2.50. S/U graded.