Office of International Education: Study Abroad and Exchanges

Students in all majors may apply for an international program that will complement their studies at Albany. Study abroad allows students to experience other cultures and to develop new academic perspectives. The State University of New York offers opportunities to study in most regions of the world.

The State University of New York offers over 500 international programs. A complete listing of programs and detailed information about them is available in the International Education: Study Abroad and Exchanges Office, SL G40, and online at
E-mail or phone 518-591-8170 for more information.

The University at Albany organizes more than 80 different study abroad options each year, including full year, semester, summer, and winter session courses. Program types include direct enrollment, language courses, service learning, research, internships, and faculty-led courses.

Other four-year State University of New York campuses offer additional programs for which Albany students are eligible. Students participating on any SUNY program register on the Albany campus, which permits them to maintain eligibility for financial aid. Students participating in two-year community college, contract college, or non-SUNY programs during the academic year request a leave for approved study from the Albany campus for the duration of the program.