Courses in Dutch
A DCH 101 Elementary Dutch I (3)
Beginner's course with sociocultural approach. Emphasis on fundamental Dutch vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and oral expression; graded readings; exercises in Dutch-English and English-Dutch translation. Language courses must be taken in sequence. A student may not earn graduation credit for a lower-level course taken concurrently with a higher-level course or after receiving credit for a higher-level course in the sequence. May not be offered in 2018-2019.
A DCH 102 Elementary Dutch II (3)
Continuation of sociocultural approach of A DCH 101. Reading of selections from contemporary Dutch fiction to further develop the reading skill. Language courses must be taken in sequence. A student may not earn graduation credit for a lower-level course taken concurrently with a higher-level course or after receiving credit for a higher-level course in the sequence. Prerequisite(s): A DCH 101 or placement. May not be offered in 2018-2019.
A DCH 201 Intermediate Dutch I (3)
Review of grammar and syntax, followed by literary readings in conjunction with a continuation of the sociocultural method. Language courses must be taken in sequence. A student may not earn graduation credit for a lower-level course taken concurrently with a higher-level course or after receiving credit for a higher-level course in the sequence. Prerequisite(s): A DCH 102 or placement. May not be offered in 2018-2019.
A DCH 202 Intermediate Dutch II (3)
Continued literary readings in conjunction with a continued emphasis on the sociocultural method. Language courses must be taken in sequence. A student may not earn graduation credit for a lower-level course taken concurrently with a higher-level course or after receiving credit for a higher-level course in the sequence. Prerequisite(s): A DCH 201 or placement. May not be offered in 2018-2019.
A DCH 397 Independent Study Dutch (1-4)
Study by a student in an area of special interest not treated in courses currently offered. May be repeated once for credit with special departmental approval. Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor. May not be offered in 2018-2019.