Courses in Geological Sciences
A GEO 105 (= A ENV 105) Introduction to Environmental Science (3)
Survey of contemporary environmental issues related to health and disease, nuclear waste disposal, water resources, energy use and conservation, land reclamation, global climate change, and industrial pollution. Scientific principles and data needed for gaining an understanding of environmental challenges on local, regional, and global scales will be emphasized. Only one version of A GEO 105 may be taken for credit. Offered spring semester only.
A GEO 221 Understanding the Earth (3)
Provides an introduction to geology, with an emphasis on the solid Earth. Topics include the evolution of the solar system and the early Earth; structure of the Earth; plate tectonics and seismic processes; the chemical composition, structure, and physical properties of rock-forming minerals; formation of rocks through igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic processes; geologic age determination and geologic time. The interaction between the solid Earth and other components of the Earth system will be stressed. Prerequisite(s): A CHM 120 or 130 or T CHM 130; or permission of instructor. Offered fall semester only.
A GEO 350Y (= A ENV 350Y) Environmental Geochemistry (4)
Contemporary topics are used to develop concepts of geochemical processes operating in Earth’s environmental system. These topics (a) PCBs in the Upper Hudson River, (b) biogeochemical cycles in the global climate system, and (c) geochemical constraints on long-term disposal of high-level, nuclear wastes. Three hours per week in classroom setting and one hour per week of oral presentations by students. Only one version of A GEO 350Y may be taken for credit. Prerequisite(s): A ENV 250. May not be offered in 2018-2019.
A GEO 395Z (= A ENV 395Z) Writing in Environmental or Geological Sciences (1)
May be taken with any A ENV or A GEO course at the 300 or 400 level to fulfill a writing intensive version of that course. Students will have an opportunity for assistance during writing and revision of written material with the help of editorial assignments from the instructor. Corequisite(s): any A ENV or A GEO course at the 300 or 400 level. Offered fall and spring semesters.
A GEO 455 (= A ENV 455) Special Topics in Environmental or Geological Science (2-3)
A structured program of reading and seminars leading to an in-depth understanding of a chosen topic in environmental science or geology. May be repeated once for credit. Prerequisite(s): A ATM 210, A GEO 221, and permission of instructor. May not be offered in 2018-2019.
A GEO 497 (= A ENV 497) Independent Study (1-3)
Field or laboratory investigation of a chosen environmental or geologic problem, including the writing of a research report to be undertaken during the senior year. May be repeated once for credit. Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor. Offered fall or spring semesters.