University-Wide Course Offerings

The Interdisciplinary Studies Committee of the Undergraduate Academic Council works with all University schools and colleges and other appropriate campus offices for the purposes of encouraging, promoting, and coordinating interdisciplinary studies on a campus-wide basis. This committee reviews requests for Faculty-Initiated Majors and Minors, as well as student requests for individually designed interdisciplinary majors and minors. In addition, the committee recommends and monitors University course offerings to facilitate appropriate independent study, research, and internships not provided through other course offerings as well as specific courses taught by faculty from more than one school or college.

All “U FSP,” “U UNI,” and “U UNL” courses are defined as liberal arts and sciences courses for purposes of degree requirements for the B.A. and B.S. degrees.

The University offers several undergraduate courses designed to facilitate independent study and research as well as internship opportunities that cannot be undertaken through regular course work or through existing offerings of the colleges and schools. Students interested in the courses described in this section may obtain further information and application forms from the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, LC 30.

Credits earned through these courses are generally applied to the degree as liberal arts and sciences elective credits. However, when appropriate, such credits may be applied as major credits or minor credits as determined by the student’s respective major or minor departments. Students are advised to check with the department for particular policies or prerequisites regarding the approval of major or minor credit.
