This film will be shown tonight, Friday, November 14th.

New York State Writers Institute - Classic Film Series

Costa Brava

November 14, 1997 (Friday) at 7:30 p.m.

Page Hall, 135 Western Avenue
(Free and Open to the Public)

(Spanish, 1995, 92 minutes, color, 35 mm)
Directed by Marta Balletbú-Coll, Desi del Valle
In English

Shot in only 14 days, this droll, romantic comedy is an intriguing look at the relationship between two strong women. Set against the backdrop of Barcelona and the Costa Brava, the film is a simple, light-hearted love story that captures the struggle inherent in balancing out one's life.

Cosponsored by Reel Visions Lesbian and Gay Film Festival

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