New York State Writers Institute - Classic Film Series

Field of DreamsFIELD OF DREAMS

April 12, 2002 (Friday) at 7:30 p.m.
Page Hall, 135 Western Avenue
(Free and Open to the Public)

(American, 1989, 107 minutes, color, 16mm)

Directed by Phil Alden Robinson
Starring Kevin Costner, Amy Madigan, Gaby Hoffman, Ray Liotta

An Iowa corn farmer, hearing voices and seeing visions, is compelled to build a baseball diamond in his fields. His fantasy becomes a reality when Shoeless Jo Jackson, and other members of the infamous 1919 Black Sox team come out of the cornfield to play. Based on the book, Shoeless Joe, by W. P. Kinsella, FIELD OF DREAMS is a story of mystery, magic, and the mythology of baseball.

Sorry, he is unable to visit Albany--production on new movie (THE SUM OF ALL FEARS w/Ben Affleck) is running over schedule.

Phil Alden Robinson

Writer/Director Phil Alden Robinson will present film commentary following the screening. Phil Alden Robinson has also directed THE SUM OF ALL FEARS (2002), "Band of Brothers" (2001, mini TV series), FREEDOM SONG (2000, TV), SNEAKERS (1992), and IN THE MOOD (1987, aka THE WOO WOO KID).

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