Linda Gregg is the author of six books of poems most recently the reissued early volumes Too Bright to See and Alma (2001, 1981, 1985), Things and Flesh (1999), Chosen by the Lion (1994), and The Sacraments of Desire (1991). Her work has received enormous critical praise for its soaring lyrical depictions of grief and loss, and the strange strengths and beauty she mines from them. She is the recipient of both a Guggenheim Fellowship and a Whiting Award. Her poetry has appeared in The New Yorker, Paris Review, Kenyon Review and Atlantic Monthly. "The blinding intensity of Ms. Gregg's lines stains the reader's psyche the way lightning or heartbreak do." - Joseph Brodsky
"I consider Linda Gregg one of the best American poets, and I value the neatness of design in her poems, as well as the energy of each line." - Czeslaw Milos
"Too Bright to See was one of the most important first books of poetry to have come out in the last twenty-five years. Alma, first published in its own volume two years after, has become its necessary companion. Linda Gregg continues to be the builder of beautiful contraptions, poems built steadfastly by real life, bright and stark, truths told tranquil in unblinding light. It's a fine thing to have these two books back in the world, the visible world, bound together, lucid and legible as they are." - Lucie Brock-Broido