4:00 p.m. - | Recital Hall Informal Seminar by performance poets Bob Holman and Ed Sanders |
5:00-7:30 p.m. - | Futterer Lounge and Lobby Small Press Book Fair featuring displays by over a dozen independent presses and journals |
6:00-7:30 p.m. - | Outside the PAC (or Futterer Lounge in the event of bad weather) Poetry Open Mike hosted by Tom Nattell, featuring readings by students and community poets. All are welcome. Sign-up at 5:45 p.m. |
8:00 p.m. - | Main Theatre Poetry in Performance readings by Bob Holman and Ed Sanders |
BOB HOLMAN, dubbed "the ringmaster of the spoken word" by the New York Daily News, is a performance poet and director of New York's Nuyorican Poets Cafe. He is a central figure in the movement to infuse poetry with sound and motion. He produced the five-part PBS series, The United States of Poetry, and co-edited Aloud! Voices from the Nuyorican Poets Cafe, which won the 1994 American Book Award. His most recent poetry collection is The Collect Call of the Wild (1995).
Who Knows
Who cares
Why bother
How come
What possible difference
Could it make
ED SANDERS, writer, activist, and musician is best known for his nonfiction account, The Family (1971), about infamous murderer Charles Manson and his follows, and for founding the folk-rock band The Fugs. Sanders has published numerous volumes of poetry including Thirsting for Peace in a Raging Century (1987), which won the American Book Award, and his most recent volume, 1968 (1997), a verse history of that year.
"a first-rate satirist..." - Carl Solomon, American Book Review Sponsored by Hudson Valley Writers Guild, PeaceWorks &
For further information, call the Writers Institute at 442-5620.