New York State Writers Institute - Classic Film Series

Macbeth in ManhattanMACBETH

FEBRUARY 1, 2002 (Friday) at 7:00 p.m.(Note Time)
Page Hall, 135 Western Avenue
(Free and Open to the Public)

(American, 1999, 97 minutes, color, 35mm)

Directed by Greg Lombardo
Starring Gloria Reuben, David Lansbury, Nick Gregory, John Glover

1999 Long Island Film Festival

A New York City theatre group is mounting a new production of the famous 400-year-old tragedy and mayhem ensues as the actors' lives begin to mirror the plot of Shakespeare's "cursed play." Director Lombardo has taken one of Shakespear's greatest tragedies and has turned it into a contemporary dark comedy.

Preceded by the short film
(2000, color, 13 minutes, 35mm)
Directed by Adam M. Goldstein
Story by Ruth Tarson
Introduction by William Kennedy

Joe Gagen, who produced both films and co-wrote the screenplay for MACBETH IN MANHATTAN with director Lombardo, will present film commentary and answer questions immediately following the screening. Joining him will be Amy Biancolli, former film critic for the Albany Times Union currently at Shout Magazine in NYC, and Adam Goldstein, director of WOMAN FOUND DEAD IN ELEVATOR.

From Woman Found Dead in Elevator

Woman Found Dead in Elevator

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