Go to New York State Writers Institute

Each semester the Writers Institute sponsors residencies of varying lengths by authors who have distinguished themselves both for their writing and their teaching. Free community writing workshops are regularly offered in tandem with these residencies. Some visiting writers are involved in writing and/or literature courses for academic credit at the University at Albany's Department of English.

Fall 2007
Fiction Master Class
Lydia Davis


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Previous Writers-in-Residence included:
Douglas Bauer
Douglas Bauer
Elizabeth Benedict
Elizabeth Benedict
Cara Benson
Cara Benson
Langdon Brown
Langdon Brown
Angela Carter
Angela Carter
Lydia Davis
Carolyn Forché
Carolyn Forché
Douglas Glover
Douglas Glover
Eamon Grennan
Eamon Grennan
James Lasdun
James Lasdun
Antonine Maillet
Antonine Maillet
Judith Malina
Judith Malina
John Montague
John Montague
Joan Murray
William Patrick
Bill Patrick
Jerome Rothenberg
Jerome Rothenberg
Edward Sanders
Edward Sanders
Le Anne Schreiber
Richard Selzer

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