AMAT 584, Section 1: Topological Data Analysis II

Spring 2020, Class #8917

MWF 11:30-12:45, BB 221

Instructor: Michael Lesnick
mlesnick [at] albany [dot] [the usual thing]
Office: Earth Sciences 120D
Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday 4:10-5:10, and by appointment
Lecture Notes


Exam Dates :
Midterm 1: Monday March 9 (tentative).
Final: Thurs. May 7, 3:30 - 5:30.

About this Course:
This is the second course in a three-semester sequence on Topological Data Analysis (TDA), aimed primarily at students in Albany's Data Science MS program. The course picks up where TDA I (as taught in Fall 2019) left off. Topics will include: Prequisites:
Students are formally required to have either taken TDA I (AMAT 583) or to have permission of the instructor. In addition, all students are expected to be familiar with the following concepts, which were covered in TDA I in Fall 2019: These topics will not reviewed minimally or not at all. If you are unfamiliar with some of these concepts, you may wish to consider waiting to taking TDA II with Boris Goldfarb when he next teaches it.

Course Materials:
I plan to post copies of my (handwritten) lecture notes after each class, usually on the same day as the lecture. These notes will be the main reference for the course.

Other recommended reading: Additional resources include: Homework and Quizzes:
Homework will be assigned (semi-)regularly. In addition, we may occasionally have quizzes. Homeworks and quizzes will be weighted equally. The lowest two scores among the homework and quizzes will be dropped. Homework is to be handed in at the beginning of class on the day it is due, and this rule will be enforced strictly.

Homeworks more than 5 minutes late will be penalized by 25% of the total score. Once I deliver the homeworks to the grader, no late homework will be accepted.

Collaboration on homework is permitted. However, you must write up the homework yourself.

The class will use the university's A-E grading scheme.

40%: Homework and quizzes.
25%: Midterm
30%: Takehome final
5%: Attendance
2% (bonus): Class participation / engagement.

NOTE: The midterm and final may be curved, but not downward.

Academic Regulations:
Naturally, the University's Standards of Academic Integrity apply to this course, and students are expected to be familiar with these.

There will be no leeway on missed exams or last-minute exam rescheduling, except as noted in the regulations. If you anticipate an issue with the timing of an exam, please let me know as soon as possible.