AMAT 587: Algorithms for Data Science

Spring 2020, Class #10186

MW 11:40-1:00, Zoom

Instructor: Michael Lesnick
mlesnick [at] albany [dot] [the usual thing]
Office Hours: Office Hours: T, Th 1:00-2:00, and by appointment.

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About this Course:
This course is intended primarily for students in Albany's Data Science MS program in their second year. It may also be suitable for some first-year students with a strong background in math, and for math Ph.D. students interested in computation. There are no formal prerequisites, but mathematical maturity and comfort with proofs is required.

The course will be taught in an online-synchronous format via Zoom. Students are expected to attend and partipate, to the extent possible. All lectures will be recorded and made available. Course materials, including Zoom links for class and office hours, will be hosted on Blackboard.

The first part of the course will cover general background on algorithms, with an emphasis on topics of interest to data scientists. For some of the material, I will follow parts of the text "Introduction to Algorithms" by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, Stein.

In the second part of the course, we will take a close look at a few algorithms of particular interest in data science. This part will center around individual student projects, where students learn independently about a fundamental algorithm and its applications in data science. Each project will culminate in a presentation to the class (30 minutes) and also an expository paper.

Possible topics (either for my lectures or for student projects) include: The course will emphasize the mathematical thinking behind algorthms, and not implementations/coding. There will be no required coding assignments, though final projects can potentially involve implementation work and computational experiments.

The material covered in this course will be challenging (more so than my TDA I and II courses) and students should expect to put in at least 8-10 hours of focused, independent work on the class outside of lecture.

Some of the following resources might be useful, e.g., for your project: Homework and Quizzes (tentative):
Homework will be assigned semi-regularly. In addition, we may occasionally have quizzes. Homeworks and quizzes will be weighted equally. The lowest two scores among the homework and quizzes will be dropped. Homework is to be handed in at the beginning of class on the day it is due (you will have a 5 minute grace period), and this rule will be enforced strictly. Homework handed in at most one day late may be accepted with a 30% penalaty, or at most two days late with a 50% penalty. You may discuss homework with your classmates, but homework must be written up on your own.

The class will use the university's A-E grading scheme.

35%: Homework and quizzes
20%: Midterm
20%: Project Presentation
20%: Project Writeup
5%: Class participation and engagement

NOTE: The midterm may be curved, but not downward.

Pandemic-Related Challenges:
The pandemic--and the move to online instruction in particular--creates a complex set of potential difficulties for students. I intend to hold this class to a high standard of effort, but at the same time, I am mindful of the unique challenges our situation presents, and I intend to conduct the class accordingly. If you are dealing with issues created or exacerbated by the pandemic that risk getting in the way of your being a focused, active participant in this class, please let me know.

Academic Regulations:
Naturally, the University's Standards of Academic Integrity apply to this course, and students are expected to be familiar with these.