�Faces of Liberty,� an exhibit curated by the New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU), will be on display at the University at Albany�s uptown University Library through February 25, 2004. There will be two speaking events addressing "Civil Liberties and Civil Rights" on January 22, 2004 related to this display. The program and exhibit honors Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and Black History Month. Displays and events are free and open to the public.
�The photo-journal exhibit puts human faces on complex civil liberties issues by documenting the challenges for ordinary men and women who face unpopularity and adversity to stand up for their beliefs,� says the text accompanying the exhibit.
Melanie Trimble, executive director, NYCLU capital region chapter, and Scott Fein, attorney, will discuss some of the legal cases documented in the exhibit. Dr. Alice P. Green, Director, Center for Law and Justice, Albany New York will also participate on the panel. The discussion will be held January 22, at 4:00 pm, Study Area, 1st floor, University Library, uptown campus.
Daniel Levitas, author of The Terrorist Next Door: The Militia Movement and the Radical Right (2002) will speak on �Domestic Terrorism and the Paramilitary Right Post 9/11: The Challenges to Civil Liberties and National Security� at 7:30 pm, January 22nd in the Standish Room, New Library, uptown campus. Levitas is a writer and researcher on the subjects of racist, anti-Semitic, and neo-Nazi organizations. The Terrorist Next Door is the definitive study of the historical roots of the American militia movement and the rural radical right. Levitas has published in major American newspapers and magazines on these subjects, and he has testified as an expert witness in American and Canadian courts since 1986. Professor Nancy Ota, Albany Law School, will participate in the discussion.
The exhibit and the speaking engagements are supported by University Libraries, the University Libraries' Exhibits Committee, the Friends of the Libraries and the University Auxiliary Services, Inc. Co-sponsors include the University Libraries' Diversity Committee, the University Commission for Diversity and Affirmative Action and the New York Civil Liberties Union. For more information, contact Deborah LaFond, Social Sciences Bibliographer([email protected]) or Sydney Allen, Instructional Support Associate, Technical Services ([email protected]), Library Exhibits Committee, co-chairs.
Albany�s University Libraries are ranked among the top 100 research libraries in the United States by the Association of Research Libraries. The Libraries serve the University�s community, the citizens of New York State, and scholars and researchers from around the world. For up-to-date information about the University�s Libraries, see the Website: http://library.albany.edu.
January 22nd, 2004 Program
In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Black History Month
The University Libraries, the Library Exhibits Committee, and the Friends of the Libraries present
“Faces of Liberty”
an exhibit curated by the
New York Civil Liberties Union
and a forum on
“Civil Liberties and Civil Rights”
The photo-journal exhibit puts human faces on complex civil liberties issues by documenting the challenges for ordinary men and women who face unpopularity and adversity to stand up for their beliefs. The exhibit is located near the entrance to the University Library, uptown campus.
January 22, 2004 — Afternoon Program:
3:30 pm Exhibit Viewing
4:00 pm Opening Reception and Refreshments. University Library, uptown campus, first floor group study area (northeast wing)
4:15 pm Introductions:
Moderators: Library Exhibits Committee Co-Chairs,
Sydney K. Allen, Instructional Support Associate, Technical
Services and Deborah M. LaFond, Social Sciences Bibliographer
4:30 pm Official Welcome: Dr. Carson Carr, Jr., Associate Vice- President for
Academic Affairs. Director, Educational Opportunity Program (EOP), University
at Albany
“Honor to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.”
Introduction of panelists and discussants:
Melanie Trimble, Executive Director, New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU)
Justina Lakinger, Executive Director Student Chapter, ACLU, University at
“Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Struggles for Equity”
4:40 pm Scott Fein, Attorney and NYCLU Member
“Discussion of NYCLU legal cases”
5:00 pm Dr. Alice P. Green, Executive Director,
Center for Law and Justice, Albany, NY
“ACLU and Racial Profiling Cases”
5:15 pm Melanie Trimble, “The USA Patriot Act and Its
Impact on Civil Liberties”
5:35 pm Audience Participation
Daniel Levitas, Nancy Ota, Discussants
Closing remarks and announcement for evening program
Evening Program:
7:30 pm “Civil Liberties and Civil Rights”
Standish Room, New Library, uptown campus
Program Moderator
Library Exhibits Committee
7:40 pm Welcome:
Mary Sellen, Assistant Director, User Services, University Libraries, University
at Albany
Guest Speaker: Daniel Levitas
“Domestic Terrorism and the Paramilitary Right Post-9/11: The Challenges
to Civil Liberties and National Security”
Author of The Terrorist Next Door: The Militia Movement and the Radical Right (2002), Levitas is a writer and researcher on the subjects of racist, anti-Semitic, and neo-Nazi organizations. The Terrorist Next Door is the definitive study of the historical roots of the American militia movement and the rural radical right. His book was nominated for a National Book Award and a Pulitzer Prize in 2002. The book examines the origins and ideology of these racist paramilitary groups. Levitas has published in major American newspapers and magazines, including the Nation, the Los Angeles Times Book Review, the New York Times Op-Ed page, Roll Call, Congress Monthly, Reform Judaism. He has testified as an expert witness in American and Canadian courts since 1986.
Nancy Ota, Professor of Law, Immigration Studies,
Albany Law School, Discussant
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Student Chapter
New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU)
University Commission for Diversity and Affirmative Action
University Libraries’ Diversity Committee
Meredith Butler, Dean and Director of Libraries
Roberta Armstrong, Development and Public Relations
The Frank and Dorothy Pogue Endowed Library Fund for
African American Studies
M.E. Grenander Special Collections and Archives,
The Alice P. Green Papers
University Library and campus support for exhibit and program:
Barbara Kinlock, Regina Conboy, Carol Grzybowski, Amy Schindler, Gail Pawlowski,
Vicki Dillon, Peter Recore-Migirditch, Jane Kessler, Tony Latham, Geoffrey Williams,
Gerald Burke, Greg Baron, Richard Irving, Katie Jezik, Kathy Gurney, Linda Reeves
Related Exhibits — Currently on display in the University at Albany Library, Periodicals Room, Lower Level:
“Threads of Scholarship: African American History and Storytelling
in African American Quilts”; exhibit curated by Brenda Hazard, Gerald
Burke, and Deborah M. LaFond
“Old Children’s Books As Sources for Black History and Cultural Studies”; exhibit curated by David Mitchell and Karen Grimwood, February, 2003; Bibliography — https://www.albany.edu/~dlafonde/Africana/UGRRChildren.htm
Refreshments provided by University Auxiliary Services, Inc.
Web site for Program:
Cover photograph of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Associated Press, April 25, 1967