User Manual for TKReq Statistical-Report-Generator (TKS)


  1. Instalation
  2. Menu Options
  3. Subject Files


Setting up TKS

Put the file in the directory of your choice. Open the file with a text editor. The first section contains the directories that TKS will get the files from, indicated by the line

my(@TKDir) = (" ../ ",

" ../ ");

Modify these values so they point to the directories you wish to use. If you wish to add additional directories, simply add a comma after the last closing quote (staying inside of the parentheses), and add the directory inside of another set of quotes. Repeat this process for each additional directory you wish to add.

The default output files are listed next, under the '#Output:' marker. These can be changed to the user's preference.

Also, the bae reference for the index page needs to be changes for a new user and should point to the http:// address of the index page.


Using TKS

Go to the directory containing the TKS file and execute PERL with the TKS filename as an argument.

Usually " /usr/local/bin/perl ".

The following will appear:

Welcome to the TKREQ stats program. Please enter selections below. Main menu:

  1. 1.Run for stats only.
  2. 2.Run with subject filelist.


(1) produces the standard user and time statistical output.

(2) produces the standard output along with a table of subject keywords and the number of hits associated with each. If chosen the following will appear:

Enter file name of subjects:

Type in the file name of the subject list and type enter.

Regardless of which option is chosen, the range menu will appear.

Range menu:

  1. 1.Run for all files.
  2. 2.Run for a file range.
  3. 3.Run for a time range.


(1) will process all files in the input directories

(2) will process files in the specified numeric file range

Enter range[first last]:

ex: 100 200

(3) will process files in the specified time range.

Enter months[first last]:

ex: jan mar

for best results, the months should be entered in a form similar to those present in the date common to the email requests, as the example above. Other notations may be recognized, and the program ignores the case of the input.


In all menus, the first menu item is the default input, so any user input that is outside the range of the menus causes the first option to be executed. All input files are checked for existance, and the program will terminate in that case. The program will alse terminate if the input range entered consists of no input files.

Now the program will begin processing the files. This could take several minutes depending on how many files there are and what options were selected.

The output will be those files listed as the default output files in the file.



Subject File Format

The subject file is one which the user will maintain. The way this file is used requires that each keyword be on a separate line.





Add as many subject keywords as you like, but make sure they are on separate lines.