Statistics Explained


User Statistics

Time Statistics

Subject Statistics

User Statistics


The origin of the e-mail (From a university account or an outside account).


The platform the account is on (Percentage of University domain).


The user type (student or faculty. Percentage of University domain).


The student type of the students counted above (graduate or undergrad. Percentage total of students).


The type of mailer used to compose the request (Percentage of All domains).

In-Person requests

The number of in-person requests (Percentage of all files).

Forwarded Requests

The number of requests forwarded to the Help Desk.

Files with Additional Requests

The number of files with additional requests by the user.

Total Additional Requests

The total number of additional requests amoung all files. Average indicates the average number of additional requests per file with at least one additional request.

Repeat User

The number of users that have more than one help case (file).

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Time Statistics

These values indicate when a request was received and the percent of the total number of requests received.

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Subject Statistics


The number of files in which the subject word was found


Indicates the number of hits for a subject word over the total number of files.

User Hits

The number of hits where the subject word was found in the user's request.

% of Total Hits

Indicates the number of user hits over the number of hits for a subject word.

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