class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Exploring Socioeconomic Indices with R ##
### Francis Boscoe, Ph.D. ### Founder, Pumphandle, LLC ### April 9, 2020 --- Where you live is a good indicator of socioeconomic position ![]( --- Life expectancy and disability-free life expectancy at birth, by neighborhood income level, England, 1999-2003. ![]( ##### Fair Society, Healthy Lives: The Marmot Review ( --- Inequality in early cognitive development of children in the 1970 British cohort study, at ages 22 months to 10 years. ![]( ##### Fair Society, Healthy Lives: The Marmot Review ( --- Populations living in areas the least favorable environmental conditions across various environmental categories. ![]( ##### Fair Society, Healthy Lives: The Marmot Review ( --- class: middle #### Examples of two SES indexes currently in use: Yost index – 7 variables from ACS - Rent - Income - Home value - Poverty rate - Blue-collar employment - Unemployment rate - Years of education completed Area Deprivation Index – 17 variables from ACS - All of the Yost variables - Education and poverty measured twice - Income disparity - Homeownership rate - Mortgage payment - Single-parent households - Motor vehicle ownership - Telephone ownership - Functional plumbing - Overcrowding --- The Area Deprivation Index has its own web site ( ![]( --- ![]( --- #### There are some problems with the ADI - Missing observations are treated as having a value of zero - Rent: 18% missing - Mortgage: 13% missing - Median household income: 6% missing - Other variables: 1-2% missing - Original factor loadings from 2000 are used - Income disparity is not adjusted for inflation - Variables are highly heteroscedastic - Access to a phone means something different in 2020 than in 2000 --- #### Yost index vs. ADI (using 2011-2015 ACS data) -- - Yost index vs. ADI as published: `$$R^2 = 0.79$$` Where the two differ by >30 percentile points, Yost is higher over 90% of the time, because it used imputed rather than zero values missing data. -- - Yost index vs. ADI calculated the same way: `$$R^2 = 0.92$$` Differences are normally distributed and typically involve outliers in the variables unique to the ADI --- <img src="Presentation-to-NCI-April-9-2020_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-1-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- #### Yost index vs. ADI (continued) - Where ADI indicates a higher SES than Yost tend to be rural areas with low income but little income disparity, high rates of home ownership, few single-parent households, high vehicle ownership, and little crowding. (Examples in Arkansas, Alabama, Texas) -- - Where ADI indicates a lower SES than Yost tend to be urban and suburban areas with high cost of living but high income disparity, low rates of home ownership, many single-parent households, low vehicle ownership, and high crowding (Examples in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Washington DC) --- <img src="Presentation-to-NCI-April-9-2020_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-2-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- <img src="Presentation-to-NCI-April-9-2020_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-3-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- --- <br> <center>
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