Data Types - Numbers


  1. Decimal - A normal integer without a leading zero (e.g., 34)
  2. Octal - A integer with a leading 0 (e.g., 064)
  3. Hexadecimal - An integer with a leading 0x or 0X (e.g.,0xC5)
  4. Note: Maximum integer size depends on the platform

Floating Point

  1. Numbers that have a decimal point (e.g., 1.98 or 3.0)
  2. Numbers that have an exponent (e.g., 2E5 or 3.4e3)
  3. Note: JavaScripts's handling of floating point numbers can introduce inaccuracies into some calculations.

Negative Numbers


Properties (built-in constants)

Methods (built-in functions)
